Minor Characters

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Alphabetically: 0–9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z

By appearances: 1–50 · 51–100 · Major · Minor · Recurring · One time | By number of actors: More than one | Video characters: List

A minor character has at least 5 episode appearances, but no more than 19.


Character Episodes Actors First Appearance Most Recent Appearance Average Rating
Agnes Riley 9 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Agnes Riley}}%
Ann Jacobs 12 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Ann Jacobs}}%
Anna 9 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Anna}}%
AREM 8 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with AREM}}%
Armitage Shanks 6 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Armitage Shanks}}%
Arthur Dent 8 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Arthur Dent}}%
Artie Powell 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Artie Powell}}%
B-TV Announcer 9 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with B-TV Announcer}}%
Barrett Jones 14 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Barrett Jones}}%
Beaulah Kramer 8 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Beaulah Kramer}}%
Beezee 2 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Beezee}}%
Ben Shepard 12 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Ben Shepard}}%
Benjamin Trask 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Benjamin Trask}}%
Bennett Charles 15 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Bennett Charles}}%
Bethany Shepard 9 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Bethany Shepard}}%
Bill Kendall 6 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Bill Kendall}}%
Boy 11 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Boy}}%
Boy (a) 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Boy (a)}}%
Boy (b) 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Boy (b)}}%
Boy (c) 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Boy (c)}}%
Boy (d) 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Boy (d)}}%
Boy (e) 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Boy (e)}}%
Brian Evans 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Brian Evans}}%
Brink Chetley 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Brink Chetley}}%
Brooke Myers 8 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Brooke Myers}}%
Buck Oliver 17 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Buck Oliver}}%
Bus Driver 12 9 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Bus Driver}}%
Caiaphas 6 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Caiaphas}}%
Cal Jordan 13 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Cal Jordan}}%
Caleb Montgomery 2 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Caleb Montgomery}}%
Captain Absolutely 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Captain Absolutely}}%
Captain Richard Quinn 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Captain Richard Quinn}}%
Carla Perkins 13 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Carla Perkins}}%
Carrie 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Carrie}}%
Charles Thompson 11 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Charles Thompson}}%
Claire Montgomery 2 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Claire Montgomery}}%
Cody Carper 10 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Cody Carper}}%
Colonel Oliver 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Colonel Oliver}}%
Cooper Calhoun 16 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Cooper Calhoun}}%
Courtney Vincent 15 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Courtney Vincent}}%
Curt Stevens 15 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Curt Stevens}}%
Cynthia (a) 2 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Cynthia (a)}}%
Darien 9 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Darien}}%
David Straussberg 15 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with David Straussberg}}%
Delivery Man 6 5 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Delivery Man}}%
Digger Digwillow 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Digger Digwillow}}%
Dion Farkus 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Dion Farkus}}%
Doc Morton 14 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Doc Morton}}%
Doctor 13 7 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Doctor}}%
Doris Rathbone 15 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Doris Rathbone}}%
Dwayne Oswald 13 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Dwayne Oswald}}%
Ed Washington 17 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Ed Washington}}%
Elaine Washington 17 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Elaine Washington}}%
Eleanor Wise 10 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Eleanor Wise}}%
Ellen Shepard 10 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Ellen Shepard}}%
Emcee 7 5 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Emcee}}%
Emcee (a) 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Emcee (a)}}%
Erica Clark 16 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Erica Clark}}%
Felipo 0 0 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Felipo}}%
Fionna Donneral 7 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Fionna Donneral}}%
Frank Wise 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Frank Wise}}%
Fred Holstein 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Fred Holstein}}%
Fred Zachary 8 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Fred Zachary}}%
General Liddell 8 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with General Liddell}}%
God 10 6 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with God}}%
Grady McKay 18 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Grady McKay}}%
Hadley Bassett 10 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Hadley Bassett}}%
Hezekiah 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Hezekiah}}%
Isaac Morton 15 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Isaac Morton}}%
Jacob 6 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jacob}}%
Jacques Henri 9 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jacques Henri}}%
Jana Whittaker-Dowd 10 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jana Whittaker-Dowd}}%
Jebidiah Skint 12 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jebidiah Skint}}%
Jeff Lewis 10 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jeff Lewis}}%
Jenny Roberts 12 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jenny Roberts}}%
Jenny Whittaker 10 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jenny Whittaker}}%
Jessie Morales 12 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jessie Morales}}%
Jill Segler 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jill Segler}}%
Jillian Marshall 16 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jillian Marshall}}%
Joseph (b) 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Joseph (b)}}%
Joseph Calhoun 12 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Joseph Calhoun}}%
Judge 9 6 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Judge}}%
Julie Zeeke 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Julie Zeeke}}%
Julius Schnitzelbonker 8 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Julius Schnitzelbonker}}%
Kelly 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Kelly}}%
King David 12 5 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with King David}}%
King Lawrence 9 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with King Lawrence}}%
Kristi McKay 8 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Kristi McKay}}%
Kyle 9 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Kyle}}%
Lawrence Hodges 19 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Lawrence Hodges}}%
Leonard Meltsner 10 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Leonard Meltsner}}%
Leonard Norman 11 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Leonard Norman}}%
Librarian 11 6 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Librarian}}%
Lily Graham 17 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Lily Graham}}%
Lisa Mulligan 9 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Lisa Mulligan}}%
Lucia Ortega 13 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Lucia Ortega}}%
Mabel 9 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Mabel}}%
Madison 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Madison}}%
Man in the crowd 12 6 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Man in the crowd}}%
Margaret Faye 10 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Margaret Faye}}%
Mary (a) 7 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Mary (a)}}%
Mary Hopkins 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Mary Hopkins}}%
Maureen Hodges 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Maureen Hodges}}%
Max Hampton 7 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Max Hampton}}%
Melanie Jacobs 10 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Melanie Jacobs}}%
Mike Mulligan 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Mike Mulligan}}%
Millie Shanks 6 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Millie Shanks}}%
Monica Stone 8 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Monica Stone}}%
Monty Whittaker 17 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Monty Whittaker}}%
Morrie Rydell 18 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Morrie Rydell}}%
Moses 10 7 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Moses}}%
Mr. Jenkins 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Mr. Jenkins}}%
Myron Horowitz 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Myron Horowitz}}%
Nathaniel Graham 16 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Nathaniel Graham}}%
Nelson Swanson 13 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Nelson Swanson}}%
Nick Mulligan 19 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Nick Mulligan}}%
Novus Oliver 1 0 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Novus Oliver}}%
Nurse 14 5 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Nurse}}%
Nurse (a) 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Nurse (a)}}%
Nurse (b) 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Nurse (b)}}%
Officer Stew Burke 16 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Officer Stew Burke}}%
Oscar Peterson 13 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Oscar Peterson}}%
Patrick O'Ryan 13 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Patrick O'Ryan}}%
Paul 9 7 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Paul}}%
Peter (Biblical) 14 7 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Peter (Biblical)}}%
Peter Bourland 13 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Peter Bourland}}%
Philip Glossman 17 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Philip Glossman}}%
Principal Skinner 6 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Principal Skinner}}%
Priscilla Peterson 8 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Priscilla Peterson}}%
Rachel Straussberg 9 5 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Rachel Straussberg}}%
Red Hollard 18 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Red Hollard}}%
Regis Blackgaard 19 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Regis Blackgaard}}%
Renee Carter 17 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Renee Carter}}%
Rhonda Adelaide 17 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Rhonda Adelaide}}%
Richard Maxwell 15 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Richard Maxwell}}%
Ronald Perkins 9 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Ronald Perkins}}%
Rusty Gordon (Malone) 15 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Rusty Gordon (Malone)}}%
Ryan Cummings 13 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Ryan Cummings}}%
Sailor 7 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Sailor}}%
Samantha McKay 9 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Samantha McKay}}%
Sarah Prachett 19 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Sarah Prachett}}%
Servant 7 6 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Servant}}%
Simon Jones 7 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Simon Jones}}%
Soldier 7 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Soldier}}%
Stephen Straussberg 8 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Stephen Straussberg}}%
Suzu Rydell 17 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Suzu Rydell}}%
Tasha Forbes 13 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Tasha Forbes}}%
Teacher 8 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Teacher}}%
Teacher (a) 1 0 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Teacher (a)}}%
Teacher (b) 1 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Teacher (b)}}%
Teacher (c) 1 0 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Teacher (c)}}%
Ted Humphries 14 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Ted Humphries}}%
Traci Mulligan 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Traci Mulligan}}%
Traci Needlemeyer 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Traci Needlemeyer}}%
Trent DeWhite 18 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Trent DeWhite}}%
Trey Calhoun 9 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Trey Calhoun}}%
Valerie Swanson 12 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Valerie Swanson}}%
Vance King 10 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Vance King}}%
Waitress 9 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Waitress}}%
Wally Haggler 12 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Wally Haggler}}%
Walter Shakespeare 17 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Walter Shakespeare}}%
Wellington Bassett 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Wellington Bassett}}%
Wes 1 0 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Wes}}%
Wyatt Perkins 19 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Wyatt Perkins}}%
Xavier Washington 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Xavier Washington}}%
Zachary Sellars 6 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Zachary Sellars}}%