Major Characters

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By appearances: 1–50 · 51–100 · Major · Minor · Recurring · One time | By number of actors: More than one | Video characters: List

A major character has at least 20 episode appearances.


Character Episodes Actors First Appearance Most Recent Appearance Average Rating
Alex Jefferson 33 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Alex Jefferson}}%
Aubrey Shepard 25 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Aubrey Shepard}}%
Bart Rathbone 71 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Bart Rathbone}}%
Bernard Walton 92 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Bernard Walton}}%
Bridget Perkins 20 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Bridget Perkins}}%
Bryan Dern 25 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Bryan Dern}}%
Camilla Parker 33 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Camilla Parker}}%
Connie Kendall 465 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Connie Kendall}}%
Dale Jacobs 48 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Dale Jacobs}}%
David Harley 20 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with David Harley}}%
David Parker 27 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with David Parker}}%
Don Polehaus 43 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Don Polehaus}}%
Donna Barclay 53 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Donna Barclay}}%
Edwin Blackgaard 26 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Edwin Blackgaard}}%
Emily Jones 53 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Emily Jones}}%
Eugene Meltsner 323 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Eugene Meltsner}}%
Eva Parker 38 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Eva Parker}}%
George Barclay 67 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with George Barclay}}%
Harlow Doyle 46 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Harlow Doyle}}%
Jack Allen 90 6 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jack Allen}}%
Jack Davis 24 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jack Davis}}%
Jared DeWhite 25 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jared DeWhite}}%
Jason Whittaker 129 5 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jason Whittaker}}%
Jay Smouse 66 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jay Smouse}}%
Jesus Christ 32 9 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jesus Christ}}%
Jimmy Barclay 71 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jimmy Barclay}}%
Joanne Allen 28 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Joanne Allen}}%
Jules Kendall 48 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Jules Kendall}}%
June Kendall 21 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with June Kendall}}%
Katrina Meltsner 84 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Katrina Meltsner}}%
Lucy Cunningham-Schultz 76 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Lucy Cunningham-Schultz}}%
Mandy Straussberg 54 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Mandy Straussberg}}%
Marvin Washington 34 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Marvin Washington}}%
Mary Barclay 38 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Mary Barclay}}%
Matthew Parker 76 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Matthew Parker}}%
Newscaster 21 8 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Newscaster}}%
Olivia Parker 66 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Olivia Parker}}%
Penny Bassett 73 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Penny Bassett}}%
Police Officer 33 26 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Police Officer}}%
Robert Mitchell 22 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Robert Mitchell}}%
Robyn Jacobs 28 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Robyn Jacobs}}%
Rodney Rathbone 53 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Rodney Rathbone}}%
Sam Johnson 37 2 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Sam Johnson}}%
Tamika Washington 26 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Tamika Washington}}%
Tom Riley 140 3 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Tom Riley}}%
Wilson Knox 29 4 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Wilson Knox}}%
Wooton Bassett 133 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Wooton Bassett}}%
Zoe Grant 36 1 {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Zoe Grant}}%