Alex Jefferson

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Alex redirects here. For other uses see Alex (disambiguation).
For the basketball star, see Alex Jefferson (a).
Alex Jefferson
Alex Jefferson 2024.png
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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When Alexander T. Jefferson wasn’t running his website and blog he was probably working on a computer program or helping Whit out at Whit’s End. He had big ideas, but that didn’t keep him from being level-headed. He usually stayed out of trouble unless his cousin Cal Jordan egged him on. Alex was involved in the battle against Novacom and AREM in the Novacom Saga.


Main article: Jefferson family

Alex sometimes can't understand his parents' rules, but in #445: “No Boundaries”, he enters the Room of Consequence and lives a few days without any rules. He learns that his parents are doing their best for him by having rules.

Alex's mom, Rachel Jefferson, makes world-famous chocolate chip cookies with macadamia nuts, and his maternal grandmother makes famous apple crisp (#466: “Snow Day”).

His mom's brother is the father of Cal Jordan, Alex's cousin. The two cousins get each other into many antics. In addition to Cal, other cousins of his were mentioned in #476: “Relatively Annoying”. They are Lloyd, Ben, Steve, Pete, Julie, Max, and Johnny.

Alex has an uncle Fred, who has a huge lip (#456: “Worst Day Ever”).

Alex's paternal grandmother makes her own ketchup by stomping on tomatoes, and his paternal grandfather thinks everything can be fixed by using duct tape (#476: “Relatively Annoying”).



Alex Jefferson's line at the end of #515: “B-TV: Behind the Scenes”, "This is Alex Jefferson, signing off!" is interesting because the actor Travis Tedford moved away right after that recording session. He has not appeared on the show since, though he was still mentioned periodically after his final episode.

He must have been around since during #602: “Mum's the Word”, three years later, when Liz mentions she has a crush on him, and in the canon comic series Elsewhere in Odyssey, Alex is shown attending Odyssey High School's senior prom with Liz. Whether or not this was a one time date or a steady relationship is not revealed.

Pictures of Alex Jefferson


Sarah Prachett: What do you mean, "shhhh?"
Alex Jefferson: We mean be quiet. Our napkin dispenser might be bugged.
Sarah Prachett: Yup, I knew it would happen sooner or later. Too many video games--turns your brain into macaroni and cheese.

#481: “Grand Opening, Part 1”

Alex Jefferson: Maybe we could go somewhere after dinner.
Grandpa Jefferson: Where?
Alex Jefferson: I don't know. Somewhere fun.
Grandma Jefferson: We could go to the Hospital.
Alex Jefferson: The hospital?
Grandpa Jefferson: Good idea. We could have our stomachs pumped.

#476: “Relatively Annoying”

David Straussberg: Where'd you get that bike? It's awesome!
Alex Jefferson: My folks got it for me. It's even got a mini radio. See?
David Straussberg: I wish my parents were like yours, always giving me stuff.
Alex Jefferson: Well, I guess my parents just find me more lovable.

#445: “No Boundaries”

Mandy Straussberg: His whole story seemed a little odd. Everybody buys Fizzy Cola one week, chips the next, and now birdhouses?
Alex Jefferson: Strange. I wonder what's going on.
Mandy Straussberg: And how is this going to help us with our homework?
Cal Jordan: This is no longer just homework. I think we have a mystery on our hands.

#495: “The Unraveling”

Alex Jefferson: All right, it's time for plan zebra-alpha-Charlie-fettuccine-water buffalo!
Cal Jordan: Wow, sounds like a great plan!

#466: “Snow Day”

Mandy Straussberg: Hey, are you going to band auditions this afternoon?
Alex Jefferson: Yep. My drums are ready to go.
Mandy Straussberg: You play the oboe.
Alex Jefferson: I did play the oboe. My dad said it gave him a headache and thought I should take up another instrument.
Mandy Straussberg: Does he know that you decided on drums?
Alex Jefferson: Not yet. I wanted to surprise him.

#456: “Worst Day Ever”

John Whittaker: Hey, hey, what's going on here?
Connie Kendall: You're making the dishes rattle!
Nick Mulligan: Alex is having a nervous breakdown!
Alex Jefferson: He put nuts on my sundae!
John Whittaker: ...What?

#490: “The Black Veil, Part 1”

Cal Jordan: No, Alex. Keep your eyes closed. It's a surprise.
Alex Jefferson: Well, I know I'm in the library, 'cause I smell books.

#460: “Nova Rising”

Alex Jefferson: Connie and Mitch, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i—
Connie Kendall: We were just gonna talk.
Alex Jefferson: Connie and Mitch, sitting in a tree, t-a-l-k-i-n-g.
Connie Kendall: We were not in a tree.
Alex Jefferson: Connie and Mitch, sitting in a booth—
John Whittaker: I think you two better stop now.
Alex Jefferson: We're just practicing our spelling. S-p-l-l, I mean, s-p-i--

#467: “Broken Window”

Jason Whittaker: So, let me guess. You're wearing the torn shirt and pants that are too big so people will feel bad for you and give you more money?
Alex Jefferson: Kinda. I noticed you did that on Sunday with that ratty tie and the mismatched shirt. It has a nice... needy effect to it. <Leaves>
Jason Whittaker: Ratty tie? I love that tie!

#452: “Missionary: Impossible”

Alex Jefferson: Hey Liz! What do a lobster and a shrimp have in common?
Liz Horton: You're going to say they're both crabby. But that's not very funny is it? So how 'bout, neither one of them can get flood insurance?
Alex Jefferson: You're right! That is funnier!

#428a: “The Eternal Birthday”

Alex Jefferson: Tut tut there, Mandy, is that an elbow I see?

#446a: “A Matter of Manners”

Cal Jordan: What d'you think they're doing in there?
Alex Jefferson: They're probably punishing the last kid they caught standing here!

#458: “Red Herring”

Norm Sardoni: Sounds like you've spend so much time in the virtual world, you've turned into a virtual kid.
Alex Jefferson: A what?
Norm Sardoni: You just admitted you never experience anything for yourself, and that you live your life through other kids.

#431b: “The Virtual Kid”

Alex Jefferson: Do you fix everything with duct tape?
Grandpa Jefferson: Well, it's better than calling a plumber and letting them charge you an arm and a leg.

#476: “Relatively Annoying”

Alex Jefferson: Get me out!! Out! Out!!

#445: “No Boundaries”

Cal Jordan: A mystery! This'll be great. I'm in the mood for a little excitement.
Alex Jefferson: Okay, but no computer hacking, breaking and entering, or even slightly bending the law on this one.
Cal Jordan: Yeah, yeah.
Mandy Straussberg: What?
Alex Jefferson: It's a long story.

#495: “The Unraveling”

Cal Jordan: Come on, the paper bag?
Alex Jefferson: Okay, I guess maybe you can use it to cover his... face.

#466: “Snow Day”

Alex Jefferson: Are you sure you haven't done anything wrong? <gasps> Did you remove one of those "Do Not Remove" tags on your mattress?

#456: “Worst Day Ever”

Guy Feldstein: What's the topic of today's show?
Bernard Walton: Unity...
Alex Jefferson: Mr. Walton is now experiencing bitter irony.
Bernard Walton: Oh, be quiet.

#515: “B-TV: Behind the Scenes”

Alex Jefferson: I've died and gone to heaven!
Cal Jordan: If you died, you probably wouldn't notice.

#481: “Grand Opening, Part 1”

Alex Jefferson: Ugali!
Sarah Prachett: You better not be talking to me.

#452: “Missionary: Impossible”

John Whittaker: Ready?
Alex Jefferson: Ready!
David Straussberg: Ready!
John Whittaker: Begin.
John Whittaker: <buzzer> Oh, sorry! Alex, this diagram shows you need to lick the ice-cream in a clockwise direction, not counterclockwise. Minus two points.
Mandy Straussberg: <buzzer> David, it says here you're supposed to eat the cherry first, not the whipped cream. Three points off.

#446a: “A Matter of Manners”

Alex Jefferson: Are you crazy? Come back here! We could get arrested or shot or something!
Cal Jordan: Cool!

#458: “Red Herring”

Rodney Rathbone: Colby's old man has been lying through his teeth to the press!
Colby Cabrera: He has not! He's telling the truth! He didn't know anything about what was going on with Novacom!
Rodney Rathbone: Oh yeah, and Kennedy didn't know anything about the plot to kill John Wilkes Booth, Jr., either!
Alex Jefferson: There was absolutely nothing historically accurate about that sentence.

#507: “The Benefit of the Doubt”

Wooton Bassett: Who wants to see me make a chocolate milkshake in less than a minute without using my hands?
Alex Jefferson: I do!
Wooton Bassett: Ok, here goes. <breathes heavily> Alex! Make me a milkshake and make it fast!

#472: “Welcoming Wooton”

Grandpa Jefferson: You’re in my way, boy. Go on outside and play horseshoes.
Alex Jefferson: <narrating> I did as I was told, and “played horseshoes.” I threw the horseshoe, walked to the other stake, and threw it back, walked to the other stake, threw it again, and did this for about three hours. I could’ve gone longer, but I pulled a muscle in my arm, trying to heave it one hundred feet from one stake to the other. It hurt pretty bad, but Grandpa wrapped my arm in duct tape! And then it felt much … much worse.
Grandpa Jefferson: Go on outside and play horseshoes.

#476: “Relatively Annoying”

Alex Jefferson: Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. Hey, Johnsy.
Principal Johnson: That's "Principal Johnson." And will you please take your feet off my desk?
Alex Jefferson: Whatever.
Rachel Jefferson: Good boy, Alex.

#445: “No Boundaries”

Alex Jefferson: He's probably laughing hysterically that we were dumb enough to accept his stupid virus!

#485: “Plan B, Part 2: Collision Course”

Cal Jordan: Maybe they've all been hypnotized! You know, like that movie.
Alex Jefferson: What movie?
Cal Jordan: You know the one.
Alex Jefferson: No, I don’t.
Cal Jordan: Sure you do—with what’s his name, that guy, and that girl with spiky hair.
Alex Jefferson: You mean the one that carries that... thing around?
Mandy Straussberg: Are you guys talking in code?
Cal Jordan: No! It's that movie where the whole town gets hypnotized! All I'm saying is that this is just like that.

#495: “The Unraveling”

Cal Jordan: Alex, I bequeath to you my lime green glow in the dark yo-yo.
Alex Jefferson: Cal, I don't want your yo-yo.
Cal Jordan: (reviving suddenly) What do you mean? It's a great yo-yo!

#466: “Snow Day”

Alex Jefferson: I am now walking down the hall to the green room where the actors wait before they go into the studio. Due to budget cuts the green room doubles as the first stall in the men's room.

#515: “B-TV: Behind the Scenes”

Alex Jefferson: I'm here to stop you.
Cal Jordan: Yeah, sure.
Alex Jefferson: I mean it, Cal! This is one of those "kids don't try this at home" moments! You're gonna get hurt!

#497: “Expect the Worst”

Alex Jefferson: But... it's dirty there!
Jason Whittaker: Alex, you were eating bugs yesterday.

#452: “Missionary: Impossible”

Cal Jordan: You're so funny when you get scared!
Alex Jefferson: You're so corkbrained when you get curious!

#458: “Red Herring”

Colby Cabrera: You're just a—
Rodney Rathbone: <grabbing him> You sure you wanna finish that sentence?
Alex Jefferson: Don't bother, Colby; it's not worth it.
Colby Cabrera: I'm finishing the sentence!
Rodney Rathbone: I'd love to hear the end!
Alex Jefferson: Let it go!
Colby Cabrera: <shouting> I'll tell you what you are, Rodney!! You're nothin' but a—! <scene change>

#507: “The Benefit of the Doubt”

Alex Jefferson: Uh, is it all right if I stay up late tonight?
Mr. Jefferson: Absolutely not. It's a school night.
Alex Jefferson: Yes! Thanks, Mom! Thanks, Dad! You're the greatest!

#445: “No Boundaries”

Cal Jordan: Hold on! Listen. I think it's still running!
Mandy Straussberg: Well, unplug it.
Cal Jordan: I did unplug it. It's running on its own!
Alex Jefferson: You can't turn it off!

#495: “The Unraveling”

Alex Jefferson: Snowflakes drifted down like dandruff from the sky…

#466: “Snow Day”

Mandy Straussberg: That was awful!
Alex Jefferson: It wasn't so bad. I could still make out The First Noel.
Mandy Straussberg: Great. But it was the National Anthem.
Alex Jefferson: Uhh, yeah, I know. It was just the Christmas version of it.

#456: “Worst Day Ever”

Alex Jefferson: Andromeda, spy cameras, a hidden modem, Eugene's project on brain waves and radio waves, AREM, Jared. but how does it all connect?
Sarah Prachett: I don't know about you guys, but I think it's time we take this to someone who can tell us what's going on.
Unknown: Mr. Whittaker!

#482: “Grand Opening, Part 2”

Alex Jefferson: Liz, they can't just have anybody in their pool. I mean, what if the King of Siberia happens to drop in for a quick dip?

#451: “Life Trials of the Rich and Famous”

Alex Jefferson: Break your neck!
Bernard Walton: Thanks. I think you meant, "break your leg."

#460: “Nova Rising”

Alex Jefferson: You shouldn't have finished the sentence.
Colby Cabrera: <pained> I know that, Alex. <coughs>
Alex Jefferson: A sentence fragment would have been in order.

#507: “The Benefit of the Doubt”

Alex Jefferson: Sure, but I have a few questions for you. It sounds like a lot of weird stuff is happening around here.
Connie Kendall: Weirder than usual, you mean?
Alex Jefferson: My mom works at the college and I heard her telling dad about Eugene. Dean Rogers is her boss and he said Eugene took off with a bunch of research files.
Connie Kendall: What?
Alex Jefferson: But then I got here and Cal said he overheard David say that he found out that Nick said and that he heard from Whit that you got a mysterious e-mail from Eugene saying that he was safe.
Connie Kendall: W-what? Wait. Who said who was safe?
Alex Jefferson: And then I heard that Doctor Ichabodia was holding Eugene captive in his lair until he gave up the secret location of Powerboy's stash of shining arrows!
Connie Kendall: Where did that come from?
Alex Jefferson: Wooton.

#485: “Plan B, Part 2: Collision Course”

Alex Jefferson: The pond in the park was iced over and people were gliding around on ice skates like ballerinas wearing really slippery socks on a linoleum floor.

#466: “Snow Day”

Alex Jefferson: Did you wear mismatching socks?
Mandy Straussberg: That's not a sin, Alex.
Alex Jefferson: Did you wear stolen mismatching socks?

#456: “Worst Day Ever”

Alex Jefferson: Thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine.
Bart Rathbone: You're slowing down. What's the problem?
Alex Jefferson: I just don't understand what sit-ups have to do with golf.
Bart Rathbone: Sit-ups have one thing to do with golf hole number six. You ain't getting the ball up that big hill with flabby stomach muscles like yours — now come on!

#471: “Fifteen Minutes”

Nathaniel Graham: I mean, I'm happy to be your friend, but we'd rather not let the neighbors know.
Alex Jefferson: We don't have to be your friends if it's embarrassing to you!
Sarah Prachett: We have other friends we can visit, y'know!
Nathaniel Graham: Really? You could've fooled me. We've had to have the pinball machines recalibrated three times because you've been using them too much, and the filter in the pool had to be replaced four times because of excessive girl hair. I mean, I'm not complaining; we want to keep you as happy as possible. Without people like you on our side, who would pump our gas?

#451: “Life Trials of the Rich and Famous”

Alex Jefferson: Mr Smiley... isn't with us anymore.
Cal Jordan: To put it gently, he was decimated by a sniper snowball.

#466: “Snow Day”

Bart Rathbone: It's all in the wrist. Keep your arm straight, circular motion. Whats'a matter?
Alex Jefferson: I guess I just don't understand what waxing your car has to do with... oh, never mind.

#471: “Fifteen Minutes”

Alex Jefferson: Rodney, did you or did you not get kicked out of Whit's End yesterday?
Rodney Rathbone: Yeah, so?
Alex Jefferson: Did you, or did you not try to get revenge?
Rodney Rathbone: Of course I did! What's your point?
Alex Jefferson: No further questions!

#467: “Broken Window”

Alex Jefferson: Okay, I confess! <beat> Cal did it.

#458: “Red Herring”

Alex Jefferson: Come on men! Are we warriors, or are we wimps?!
Unknown: We are wimps, sir!

#466: “Snow Day”

Old Woman: You're chose kids who've been riding your bikes through my garden!
Greg O Neil: What?
Alex Jefferson: No, we're not!
Greg O Neil: You got the wrong guys!
Old Woman: I oughta smack you two a good one with my walking stick!
Greg O Neil: Wait, we didn't do anything!
Alex Jefferson: <smack> Ouch!
Greg O Neil: <smack> Hey!
Old Woman: Rotten kids!

#471: “Fifteen Minutes”

Alex Jefferson: This is Alex Jefferson, signing off. <Alex's final line of the series>

#515: “B-TV: Behind the Scenes”

Edwin Blackgaard: I hadn't realized how much I depend on Shakespeare until now. It seems that without him, I've... lost my right hand!
Alex Jefferson: Gross!
Cal Jordan: Cool!

#470: “Break a Leg”

Alex Jefferson: Don't listen to him! He's probably trying to delete Whit's End!

#485: “Plan B, Part 2: Collision Course”

Alex Jefferson: (Singing) Snow, snow snow, how Alex loves snow, snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow. Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow...

#466: “Snow Day”

Alex Jefferson: How many fingers am I holding up?
Cal Jordan: Bozeman, Montana!

#466: “Snow Day”


Alex Jefferson is voiced by Travis Tedford, has appeared in 33 episodes.

Alex Jefferson has been mentioned in 7 episodes.

Alex Jefferson has appeared in 3 comic story arc(s).
