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Green Eyes and Yellow Tulips
1 Samuel 16:7
“Green Eyes and Yellow Tulips” is episode #463 of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written and directed by Kathy Buchanan, and originally aired on February 24, 2001.
Connie falls for a Novacom employee named Robert Mitchell. Bart Rathbone protests that Novacom's programming is immoral.
A crowd of anxious reporters gathers at Whit's End to find out what Whit's reaction to the latest batch of Novacom programming is. It seems the company has duplicated the Imagination Station in a show that contains a lot of violence and bad language. Whit declines comment.
Later in the day, Connie meets Robert Mitchell, a community relations worker for Novacom who wants Whit to give reviews of Novacom's programming. "Mitch" says he's a Christian and wants the town to be a better place, just like Whit. Whit agrees.
Meanwhile, Bart and Rodney start acting nice to Connie and Whit - Rodney even pretends to have a crush on Connie - to convince them to help with a protest against Novacom. Whit declines Bart's offer, wondering why Bart is suddenly so angry with the company.
Mitch meets Connie later at Whit's End and just as the two are talking, Tom bursts in with a poster that says Whit is helping with a protest against Novacom. Connie insists that Whit had nothing to do with the poster. The protest later commences at Novacom, with Whit only showing up to show his disapproval to Bart. When Arthur Dent turns up to try to persuade the protesters to move, the group gets violent, breaking windows and throwing rocks. Whit is hit with a rock and Mitch takes him to the hospital.
Joanne Allen stops in at Whit's End and finds that Connie has received some flowers from a secret admirer. Connie assumes that they are from Mitch. The two of them discuss Connie's feelings for Mitch. Connie insists that she can't date Mitch because he's a Novacom worker. Whit shows up with Mitch; Connie and Mitch have a talk. Before Mitch can ask her if she can help him, Connie tells Mitch "she can't," mistakenly thinking he's going to ask her out. Mitch says he respects her decision and leaves, just as Bart and Rodney come in. They're hiding from the police. Rodney reveals that he sent Connie the flowers and Whit finds that Bart wanted to protest Novacom because they didn't like his show idea. Connie finds that Mitch was going to ask her to be a part of a Bible study and Whit says he has no problem with Mitch. Connie calls Mitch to leave a message apologizing and saying that she'll help with the Bible study. The next day, more flowers arrive...this time, from Mitch.
Discussion Questions
- Why was Bart protesting Novacom?
- What were Whit's concerns about the company?
- Whose reasons were better reasons?
- Why didn't Connie want to be involved with Mitch?
- Sometimes we judge people on just what we see without knowing anything about their character. What does the Bible say about that?
Heard in episode
Mentioned in episode
Character | Mentioned By |
Eugene Meltsner | Connie Kendall |
Doris Rathbone | Bart Rathbone |
Jack Allen | Robert Mitchell |
VERSION DIFFERENCE: [view] An extended version of this episode includes a number of extended scenes, most of which weren't included in either the broadcast or the album version. Even though the changes below were listed over on the AIOHQ (run by Nathan Hoobler) back in 2001 when this episode aired, the full extended version of this episode was NOT included in the album.
- Whit asks Mitch to find out why Novacom is still cutting into the KYDS' Radio broadcasts. Mitch agrees, but teases Connie that her show is "amateur."
- When Bart is trying to persuade Whit to help him, he tells him about how Novacom has corrupted Rodney. Whit points out how bad Rodney was before Novacom came to town.
- Mitch later confesses to Connie that he heard her show and now appreciates the value of flossing his teeth.
- Connie tries to impress Mitch with her computer knowledge and ends up looking silly.
- Bart encourages Whit to say a few words at the protest.
- Connie elaborates further to Joanne why she can't date Mitch (and stumbles over her words and her decision).
- Bart explains more about what his show on Novacom would have been all about.
- Trivia
- Joanne reappears in this episode after a three-year absence, having last been heard in #408: “Malachi's Message, Part 3”.
- Rodney calls John Whittaker "Whit" in this episode, a nickname he rarely (if ever) used before.
- This episode marks one of the few times on the program when Connie shows obvious interest in a man. A few of the other instances have included #111: “First Love” with Jeff Lewis and #406 – #408: “Malachi's Message” with Malachi.
- Goofs
- On the cover, the protesters are throwing tomatoes at the Novacom building; however, in the actual episode, they were throwing rocks, one of which injured Whit.
- In the scene where Mitch is first introduced, his voice changes twice: first when meeting Connie and second when talking to Whit. This is because a couple of his lines were initially recorded with a different, younger actor named Ryan Slattery who was later deemed too young for the role replaced with AIO veteran Steve Burns—with whom Katie Leigh was already friends and could display more natural chemistry.
- Reviews
Robert Mitchell: Uh, this is heavy! What’s in here?
Connie Kendall: Green eyes...
Robert Mitchell: I’m Mitch, by the way. What’s your name?
Connie Kendall: Mitch... I mean, Connie!
Bart Rathbone: Well, happy greetings everyone! What a beautiful day it is, ain’t it?
Connie Kendall: Well, it used to be.
Connie Kendall: Oh, great. Where's the "rest in peace" ribbon?
Connie Kendall: So, the riot was fun? I mean...
Robert Mitchell: It was a riot.
Connie Kendall: "I know you're not a flake." Oh, that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard!!
Bart Rathbone: It takes more that a Whittaker to get me up early in the morning!
Rodney Rathbone: Hey, I didn't do nothin'! That rock slipped out of my hand while I was cleanin' it!
Rodney Rathbone: Pop's proposed doin' a handyman show on Novacom TV: What's Wrong with Bart Rathbone.
Bart Rathbone: Now listen, it wasn't "What's wrong with Barthbone." It's What's Wrong, Hosted by Bart Rathbone!
Bart Rathbone: What about our right to cheap speech?
- Episodes aired 11 times
- Episodes in Album 36: Danger Signals
- 2001 Season Episodes
- Episodes sorted alphabetically
- Episodes sorted chronologically
- Episodes hosted by Chris Anthony
- Episodes written by Kathy Buchanan
- Episodes directed by Kathy Buchanan
- Episodes produced by Bob Luttrell
- Episodes with sound design by Bob Luttrell
- Episodes with music by Library
- Episodes recorded at Unknown
- Episodes engineered by Bob Luttrell
- Episodes executive produced by Paul McCusker
- Episodes in Novacom Saga (collection)
- Episodes with 5-Word intro
- Episodes with Narration wraps
- Episodes with Normal wraps
- Episodes with theme of Judging others
- Novacom Saga Episodes
- Love Story Episodes
- Connie and Mitch Arc Episodes
- Episodes with references from 1 Samuel
- Episodes produced by Bob Hoose
- Episodes produced by Marshal Younger
- Episodes with promos
- Episodes with samples
- Episodes on CBD
- Episodes on iTunes
- Episodes on Amazon
- Episodes on AIOHQ
- Episodes on the Odyssey Library
- Episodes on the Odyssey Scoop
- Episodes on the Soda Fountain
- Episodes with Bart Rathbone
- Episodes with Connie Kendall
- Episodes with John Whittaker
- Episodes with Rodney Rathbone
- Episodes with Tom Riley
- Episodes that mention Eugene Meltsner
- Episodes that mention Doris Rathbone
- Episodes that mention Jack Allen
- Episodes with version differences
- Episodes depicted in the comics