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Robyn Jacobs
Robyn is the oldest kid of the Jacobs family, and first appeared in “A Worker Approved”, and last appeared in “Pen Pal”. However she makes a cameo appearance in “B-TV: Live!”, and is mentioned in the Labyrinth two-parter.
- Main article: Jacobs family
Robyn is Dale and Ann Jacobs' oldest daughter. She has one sibling: Melanie Jacobs. In The Labyrinth, Part 2 Ann Jacobs notes that Robyn has moved out of the house.
Robyn is good friends with Jenny Roberts, Jessie Morales, Oscar Peterson, Jack Davis, Donna Barclay, and Connie Kendall.
Robyn is stubborn, impatient, and can be very mean at times. But deep down she has a heart of gold. She often looks for the easiest way out and desires to be the center of attention, but generally humbles herself and admits being wrong. She is sincere about her Christian faith but often isn't quite effective in sharing it with others. Despite all irritations, Robyn doesn't like Jack Davis calling her a different last name.
“ | Robyn Jacobs: Boy, I never thought I'd be happy to see you again. Jack Davis: Yeah. Likewise. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: Start from the center, and play a deaf cabbage! |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: I don't want to be late for anything ever again! |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: They looked like real bad guys. And... and they talked funny. Oscar Peterson: My big brother talked funny after he went to the orthodontist. Did these guys wear retainers? John Whittaker: Never mind, Oscar! |
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“ | Jack Davis: Hey, look, it's Robyn Roter! Hi, Greensleeves. How's it going? Robyn Jacobs: I'm not in the mood, Jack. Hi, Oscar. Oscar Peterson: Hi, Robyn. |
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“ | Jessie Morales: There's a flea on the fly on the hair on the wart on the frog on the knot on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea, there's a flea on the fly on the hair on the wart on the frog on the knot on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. There's a hole! There's a hole. There's a hole in the bottom of the seaaa. There's aaaaa hole in the bottom of the sea, there's a hole in the bottom of the s— Robyn Jacobs: ENOUGH, with the hole in the bottom of the sea!! |
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“ | John Whittaker: Say, who's this handsome young gentleman you've brought with you? Robyn Jacobs: He's not a handsome gentleman, he's my dad! Dale Jacobs: Oh, thanks a lot, Robyn! |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: Uh huh, Mr. L-A-P-H himself. |
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“ | Ann Jacobs: Look at this coffee table. Has somebody been tap dancing on it with cleats? Robyn Jacobs: <narrating> You know what I was thinking. Connie Kendall: Yeah. Was somebody tap dancing on the coffee table with cleats? |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: <about the prison> ...It's wet, and it stinks, and I'm cold. It's terrible. Unknown: Excuse me, don't forget the rats... It's wet, it stinks, it's cold, and the rats like to nibble at your ankles. Unknown: Hey the food is bad too you know. You can't put together a list of complaints about this prison, without griping about the food. Unknown: Right, so what do we have? Let's see it's wet, it stinks, it's cold, the rats like to nibble at your ankles, and the food is bad. Unknown: Did you mention the plumbing? Unknown: I don't think I did. Do we have any? Unknown: No. Unknown: Then we should mention it. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: I can hit anything you can throw any day of the week! Traci Needlemeyer: Yeah, right. Keep thinking that, Robyn, and maybe one day it'll come true — when I'm 90. |
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“ | Benjamin (b): He did not say his friend was so pretty — even in beggar clothes. Robyn Jacobs: Are you kidding? |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: Let's play volleyball! |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: They wore black sweaters. You know, sorta like crooks on TV? And they talked funny! Like they had containers! Dale Jacobs: Containers? Robyn Jacobs: Yeah, containers! You know, to straighten your teeth? Ann Jacobs: I think you mean retainers. Robyn Jacobs: Yeah, that too! |
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“ | Oscar Peterson: Is that a new dress? Robyn Jacobs: Yeah! Oscar Peterson: It's pretty! I had an aunt who was buried in a dress like that. Robyn Jacobs: Thanks, Oscar. |
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“ | Jessie Morales: But you'll get bad luck if you don't, Robyn. I had a great Aunt once who had nothing but bad luck. Robyn Jacobs: What happened to her? Jessie Morales: Once she got her purse stolen after a hurricane went through her neighborhood, and her house caught fire from a short circuit in a gift electric blanket for her water bed. Robyn Jacobs: Really? All that happened to her at the same time? Jessie Morales: Yeah. Well, over six years. |
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“ | Jimmy Barclay: Hey, Robyn! You got mud on your new T-shirt! Robyn Jacobs: What?! Robyn Jacobs: Hey, that's cheating! Jimmy distracted me! Jimmy Barclay: <laughs> Nah nah nah na nah nah! |
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“ | Tom Riley: There's a... hole in the bottom of the sea! Jessie Morales: Hey! Robyn Jacobs: Don't even THINK about it, Jessie. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: <alarm clock rings> Oh! What dummy set this thing for five o'clock? Oh, yeah, I did! |
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“ | Connie Kendall: Oh, I forgot to tell you—I talked to the camp director, and he thinks you're right. The girls should be given a chance to compete with the boys at some things. Robyn Jacobs: Really? Connie Kendall: Yep, so tomorrow afternoon we're gonna compete with them in archery, canoes, and a relay race. Donna Barclay: That's great. |
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“ | John Whittaker: C'mon, everybody — there's a victory celebration going on over at my place. Let's get over there! Robyn Jacobs: But, Mr. Whittaker... we lost. John Whittaker: Only the game, Robyn. Only the game. |
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“ | Dale Jacobs: You sure you're telling us everything? Robyn Jacobs: Well, yeah, Dad. That's all I can think up—uh, I mean, remember. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: All right, guys. You win. If you help me finish the lawns I said we'd do, I've give you what you want. Jack Davis: You'll give us seven dollars and seventy-five cents? Robyn Jacobs: No. I'll give you all of it: the whole ten dollars. Jack Davis: What?!! Oscar Peterson: But you can't! We only asked for— Jack Davis: Quiet, Oscar! Be quiet! |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: Oh sure, go ahead. When does the great Henry Fernbank think Jesus is supposed to come back? Melanie Jacobs: Saturday! <AIO theme plays> |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: Thanks a lot, Jessie! Kitty-Crunchies all over the floor. Another mess to clean. Jessie Morales: Why don't you just put Boswell down and let him eat it up? <beat> Okay, bad suggestion. |
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“ | Dale Jacobs: We are actually here to engage in a time-honored tradition. John Whittaker: Really? Robyn Jacobs: Yeah, our annual back-to-school chocolate soda! John Whittaker: Oh? How long have you had this tradition? Dale Jacobs: What time is it now? |
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“ | Eugene Meltsner: May I inquire to the source of your depression? Melanie Jacobs: She just lost a hundred dollars. Robyn Jacobs: Tell the whole world, Melanie! Eugene Meltsner: You misplaced one hundred dollars? Then I would suggest an immediate search of the area and perhaps a call to the police. Melanie Jacobs: She didn't lose the money out of her pocket; she just didn't win it... |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: You just have to take it by faith. Pamela: Oh, "faith"... Hey I bet Mr. Whittaker would know!! Robyn Jacobs: Pamela!!!!!!!!! |
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“ | Jack Davis: <voiceover> I greeted her the way all great detectives greet women. <to Robyn> Hiyah, doll face. What's the latest news? Robyn Jacobs: The report of your damaged body if you don't call me by my real name. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: AAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Donna Barclay: Robyn, what's wrong? Robyn Jacobs: Get it out of my sleeping bag! Donna Barclay: What? I don't see anything! Robyn Jacobs: A bug! It's crawling up my sleeping bag to attack me! There it is! Quick, stomp it, squish it, smash it!! Donna Barclay: You mean this? This is the barrette for your hair. Robyn Jacobs: Oh, that's where it went. |
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“ | Dale Jacobs: "As Crusty as They Wanna Be"? Robyn Jacobs: Great, huh? Dale Jacobs: Fitting. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: Pass me some of that brown stuff over there. I like it. Obadiah: You mean the rabbit? Robyn Jacobs: Rabbit? I've been eating Bugs Bunny? Jack Davis: Good grief, Robyn. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: Mom is late for things. She says it's fashionable! |
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“ | Bernard Walton: There was a certain jewish man named Mordecai who was at the palace. Melanie Jacobs: Why was he there? Bernard Walton: Uh, I think he worked there. Robyn Jacobs: What kind of work did he do? Bernard Walton: Uh, I don't know he was probably a window washer. It's a very noble profession you know. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: I think you might want to sit down. Dale Jacobs: We are sitting. Robyn Jacobs: Oh yeah, you are. |
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“ | Dale Jacobs: My little girl's becoming quite the financier. Robyn Jacobs: No. I just wanna make money. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: I just wanna stay out of it until it all blows over. Hope there's something good on TV. (Whit laughs a little) What? John Whittaker: Oh, it's sad, but what you just said probably summarizes how most people really feel about the second coming — if the truth were known. |
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“ | Jessie Morales: Good grief Robyn, no wonder you lose everything. Don't you ever clean your locker? Robyn Jacobs: Is this your imitation of my mom? Help me look! |
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“ | Jessie Morales: Connellsville Furniture. How interesting. Robyn Jacobs: Why? Jessie Morales: I dunno, I just thought it was interesting. That's all. Robyn Jacobs: <beat> You're weird, Jessie. |
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“ | John Whittaker: How do you like school this year, Robyn? Robyn Jacobs: You're kidding, right? John Whittaker: Sorry, I guess that was a pretty dumb question! |
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“ | Unknown: Robyn! Robyn Jacobs: Uh huh? Unknown: Why don't you remind us of what Manifest Destiny is? Robyn Jacobs: Uh... It was when... The boat called the Manifest Destiny was sunk by... um... England and everybody got mad. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: Why does everything have to echo in dreams?... echo in dreams... echo in dreams... echo in dreams. |
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“ | Jessie Morales: If you rub a rabbit's foot, it'll bring you good luck. Robyn Jacobs: Good luck for who? Not the rabbit, that's for sure. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: Alright! Alright! Keep your shirt on! |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: We'll show 'em, we can be just as tough as they are! ...Anyone seen my teddy bear? |
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“ | Dale Jacobs: Take the pill, Robyn. And keep your fingers crossed. Robyn Jacobs: DAD! Why are you saying that? Dale Jacobs: Saying what? I just don't want anything else to happen to you. You escaped the bike crash - knock on wood - and now we're going to get you all better. Cross my heart. Robyn Jacobs: DAD!!! Dale Jacobs: We even hung a horseshoe over your door. Robyn Jacobs: A horseshoe?! Dale Jacobs: We probably should have taken it off the horse first. |
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“ | Helen Langford: You actually jumped her and beat her?! Robyn Jacobs: Yeah. How else are you going to win at checkers? Helen Langford: Perhaps some math problems would be best. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: I don't have trouble being punctual. It's being on time that's my problem. |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: I don't believe it! Leave me alone! I'm not superstitious! Jessie Morales: "Superstitious"? That word has thirteen letters in it! Thirteen is bad luck! |
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“ | Jessie Morales: Don't do anything drastic. Robyn Jacobs: I only wanna think. Jessie Morales: That's what I mean. |
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“ | Dale Jacobs: You need to learn to be— Robyn Jacobs: Punctuated. I know, Dad. Mr. Whittaker just talked to me about it. |
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“ | Jessie Morales: You're late for your meeting, Robyn! You'll have to run! Dale Jacobs: But be careful of the sidewalk! Robyn Jacobs: Why? Jessie Morales: Step on a crack... |
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“ | Robyn Jacobs: I wanna know about the Easter Bunny! |
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She is in the episode *#639: “The Triangled Web, Part 2” in the CD Set after the episode in a bonus feature with Connie interviewing her on Candid Conversations With Connie.
Album Appearances
Robyn Jacobs has appeared in the following albums:
- Family Portraits
- The Lost Episodes (2 episodes)
- Album 01: The Adventure Begins
- Album 02: The Wildest Summer Ever
- Album 03: Heroes
- Album 04: FUN-damentals (2 episodes)
- Album 05: Daring Deeds, Sinister Schemes (2 episodes)
- Album 06: Mission: Accomplished (6 episodes)
- Album 07: On Thin Ice
- Album 08: Beyond Expectations (4 episodes)
- Album 09: Just in Time (1 episode)
- Album 10: Other Times, Other Places (2 episodes)
- Album 11: It’s Another Fine Day...
- Album 12: At Home and Abroad (1 episode)
- Album 13: It All Started When... (3 episodes)
- Album 14: Meanwhile, in Another Part of Town
- Album 15: A Place of Wonder (1 episode)
- Album 16: Flights of Imagination
- Album 17: On Earth as It Is in Heaven
- Album 18: A Time of Discovery
- Album 19: Passport to Adventure
- Album 20: A Journey of Choices
- Album 21: Wish You Were Here!
- Album 22: The Changing Times
- Album 23: Twists and Turns
- Album 24: Risks and Rewards
- Album 25: Darkness Before Dawn
- Album 26: Back on the Air
- Album 27: The Search for Whit
- Album 28: Welcome Home!
- Album 29: Signed, Sealed and Committed
- Album 30: Through Thick and Thin
- Album 31: Days to Remember
- Album 32: Hidden Treasures
- Album 33: Virtual Realities
- Album 34: In Your Wildest Dreams
- Album 35: The Big Picture
- Album 36: Danger Signals
- Album 37: Countermoves
- Album 38: Battle Lines
- Album 39: Friends, Family, and Countrymen
- Album 40: Out of Control
- Album 41: In Hot Pursuit
- Album 42: No Way Out
- Album 43: Along for the Ride
- Album 44: Eugene Returns!
- Album 45: Lost and Found
- Album 46: A Date with Dad (and Other Calamities)
- Album 47: Into the Light
- Album 48: Moment of Truth
- Album 49: The Sky’s the Limit
- Album 50: The Best Small Town
- The Truth Chronicles
- Passages: Darien’s Rise
- Album 51: Take it From the Top
- Album 52: Cause and Effect
- Album 53: The Green Ring Conspiracy
- Album 54: Clanging Cymbals...and the Meaning of God's Love
- Album 55: The Deep End
- Album 56: The Grand Design
- Album 57: A Call to Something More
- Album 58: The Ties That Bind
- Album 59: Taking the Plunge
- Album 60: Head Over Heels
- Album 61: Without a Hitch
- Album 62: Let’s Put on a Show!
- Album 63: Up in the Air
- Album 64: Under the Surface
- Album 65: Expect the Unexpected
- Album 66: Trial by Fire
- Album 67: More Than Meets the Eye
- Album 68: Out of the Blue
- Album 69: Best Kept Secrets
- Album 70: Finding a Way
- Album 71: A Slippery Slope
- Album 72: The Long Road Home
- Album 73: 28 Hours
- Album 74: Buckle Up!
- Album 75: The Best Is Yet to Come
- Album 76: Keep it Together
- Album 77: A New Perspective
- Album 78: At Face Value
- Album 79: 11th Hour
Robyn Jacobs has appeared in the following club seasons:
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 1
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 2
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 3
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 4
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 5
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 6
- 30th Birthday Live Show (album)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 10
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 11
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 12
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 7
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 8
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 9
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 1
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 2
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 3 (2 episodes)
- B-TV: The Collection (1 episode)
- Daily Bible Readings (album)
- Hope in Trying Times
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 1 Soundtrack
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 2 Soundtrack
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 3 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 4 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 5 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 6 Soundtrack
- The Leonard Meltsner Saga
- The Officer Harley Collection
Robyn Jacobs has appeared on the front cover of the following albums: