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Album 66: Trial by Fire

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Album 66: Trial by Fire
Eugene, Katrina, and Buck shooting a rocket as a family activity. Mr. Skint is hiding in the bushes.
Eugene, Katrina, and Buck shooting a rocket as a family activity. Mr. Skint is hiding in the bushes.
Eugene, Katrina, and Buck shooting a rocket as a family activity. Mr. Skint is hiding in the bushes.
December 13, 2018 (AIOC)
January 31, 2019 (Digital Download)
March 5, 2019
[[{{{season3}}} Season| {{{season3}}}]]
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{{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes in Album 66: Trial by Fire}}%
Small Album Art
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Album 66: Trial by Fire

Trial by Fire is the 66th Adventures in Odyssey mainstream album. It was released on the AIOC on December 13, 2018, on digital download on January 31, 2019, and on CD on March 5, 2019. Its episodes began airing on the radio starting on March 30, 2019 and finished on May 4, 2019.



After years of searching for his true identity, Buck Oliver may finally get some answers when a painting from his mother suddenly shows up in Odyssey. But along with clues about his family, he also is subjected to the dangers of his past. Buck’s old mentor Mr. Skint arrives in town with an offer that would take Buck away from Odyssey for good. Elsewhere, the Parkers are forced to evacuate their home when they find mold growing in the walls. Matthew stays with his Grandma Lucia while Olivia and Camilla spend the week with Wooton and Penny. What could possibly go wrong? Connie feels unappreciated when Jules starts looking up to new roommate Jillian more than her own sister. And the crew at B-TV charts a course deep into the ocean to learn more about the concept of the Trinity. Dramatic conclusions and fresh beginnings abound in these six entertaining and inspiring adventures in Odyssey!


Bonus Features


Episode Original Airdate Writer Director Rating Buy Preview
#856: “Much Ado about Jealousy”
March 30, 2019
Kathy Buchanan
Kathy Buchanan
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When Jules starts turning to her new roommate Jillian for advice, Connie worries that her close relationship with her sister is being snatched away.

#857: “Same Mold Story”
April 6, 2019
Kathy Buchanan
Kathy Buchanan
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Mold forces the Parker family out of their house. Until it’s fixed, Matthew stays with Grandma Lucia while Olivia and Camilla stay with the Bassett family. What seems like a dream come true for the kids eventually turns into a mission to save their family.

#858: “B-TV: Trinity”
April 13, 2019
Sam Suksiri
Phil Lollar
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The Trinity. What is it? How does it work? And why is it important? In the latest edition of B-TV, Connie, Harlow Doyle, Captain Quid, and Jacqueline Cusco dive (quite literally) into this important topic.

#859: “The Long End, Part 1”
April 20, 2019
Paul McCusker
Paul McCusker
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A mysterious package arrives at the Meltsner home containing clues about Buck's checkered family past, while a hope chest at Jason's antique shop may be the target of an old nemesis.

#860: “The Long End, Part 2”
April 27, 2019
Paul McCusker
Paul McCusker
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As Buck and the Meltsners continue to unravel the questions surrounding Buck's backstory, his old mentor returns with the promise of answers -- for a price.

#861: “The Long End, Part 3”
May 4, 2019
Paul McCusker
Paul McCusker
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The conclusion of Buck and Mr. Skint's sordid tangle of cons finally leads Buck to learn the truth about his family, both past and present.

Album Writers

Writer Episode Number
856 857 858 859 860 861
Kathy Buchanan
Paul McCusker
Sam Suksiri

Album Artwork
