Jules Kendall
Her full name is July Newmar Kendall, she goes by "Jules" for short, and she is currently 16 years old. Jules is not a Christian, and believes that life is merely a "food chain". She is used to her father's strange behavior, such as not being introduced to her half-sister, Connie Kendall, until June Kendall's funeral. Jules can be very self-centered, and will often break the rules in order to get her own way. Though she does genuinely care about the people close to her like her sister, Connie, and her boyfriend, Buck Oliver.
Jules first appeared in Life Expectancy, Part 2 with her father for June Kendall's funeral. During that time, she met her half-sister, Connie for the first time.
Later, she appeared in The Ties that Bind, when she unexpectedly showed up in Odyssey. She came to Odyssey to find information about Wooton's unreleased comic books for the Perilous Pen's online blog. Vance King was her partner in crime. Her schemes were revealed and she returned to California.
She returned to Odyssey a third time at Wooton and Penny's wedding reception, much to the surprise of Connie and Whit. Connie allowed Jules to stay with her and even signed her up for school. Since then, she has stayed in Odyssey. She made friends with Buck Oliver and has become "mortal enemies" with Valerie Swanson.
She eventually got a job at Whit's End, working alongside her sister.
During a blizzard, she and Buck got stuck on the roof of Odyssey High School in (#921: “Make Snow Mistake”). She was injured when she jumped off the roof and hit her head on a dumpster. She had to receive surgery to relieve pressure on her brain.
She had a brief career as an up-and-coming Hollywood Pop-Star, but gave it up before achieving true stardom. As a result, she was featured on the covers of several magazines, and is known in the music community.
In episode (#962: “The Fast and the Ridiculous”), she bought a red car from the Odyssey High School shop class for $50. The car contained lots of crazy gadgets that made it dangerous to drive. The gadgets (all the ones we know of...) have since been removed.
Later in "#957: “King of my Heart”" she went on a date with Ryan Cummings, but at the end of the episode, accepted Buck Oliver's proposal that the two of them become boyfriend and girlfriend.
She befriended Bridget Perkins, but later betrayed her trust in #979: “Right Notes, Wrong Key”.
Her father is Bill Kendall, her mother is Jan. Her half-sister is Connie Kendall. Mildred Kendall was her grandmother.
- Her name is short for July. Bill had wives named May, April, and June as well. (#735: “Life Expectancy, Part 2”)
- Her middle name is Newmar. (#831: “Crash Course”)
- She was 15 years old in (#807: “Connie the Counselor”), 15 ½ or over in (#831: “Crash Course”), and 16 in (#903: “California Dreams, Part 2”)
- Her parents have joint custody. Before moving to Odyssey and living with Connie, they took turns every week looking after her. (#735: “Life Expectancy, Part 2”)
- She was the Perilous Pen's informant in Album 58: The Ties That Bind.
- She's had a crush on Buck Oliver basically since the two of them began attending school together.
- She was friends with Valerie Swanson (#828: “Friend or Foe”), but later turned to enemies (#842: “Mean Streak”, #856: “Much Ado about Jealousy”)
- She has performed in several shows at the Riley/Clemons Farm. (#812: “Legacy, Part 2”,#901: “For a Song”)
- She had a brief career as an up-and-coming Hollywood Pop-Star, but gave it up before achieving true stardom. (#903: “California Dreams, Part 2”)
- As a result of her pop-star career, she was featured on the covers of several magazines, and is known in the music community. (BSA: This is Nick Grant?, #979: “Right Notes, Wrong Key”)
- She believes in the theory of evolution. (#735: “Life Expectancy, Part 2”)
- She works at Whit's End with her sister. (#828: “Friend or Foe”,#973: “Extended Cut”)
- Both she and Connie dip their chocolate chip cookies in orange juice. (#807: “Connie the Counselor”)
- She literally has / had a hole in her head from emergency brain surgery.
- She owns a gadget-filled red car that she bought from the Odyssey High School shop class for $50. (#962: “The Fast and the Ridiculous”)
- Her favorite band is "the Angry Sandwiches." (#856: “Much Ado about Jealousy”)
- She is very into fashion, and is constantly trying to push the bounds of modest dressing that Connie has set up for her. (#828: “Friend or Foe”,BSA: This is Nick Grant?)
- She watches a lot of reality TV shows.
- She has seen a lot of scary movies. (Hotel Who Done It)
- She plays the clarinet. (#905: “Auto Response”)
- She is the lead singer in a garage band named "Manic Ravioli." (#979: “Right Notes, Wrong Key”)
- When she first came to town she wore thick black eyeliner. This trend seems to have fallen out of popularity with her.
- See Kendall quotes
Jules as she appears in The Whit's End Staff Christmas Card, released in 2023.
Jules as she appears in Elsewhere in Odyssey, drawn by Brian Dawson.
Jules as she appears in Elsewhere in Odyssey, drawn by David Miles.
Jules as she appears in Byte Sized Adventures.
Jules on the cover of Album 62.
Jules in Make Snow Mistake.
Jules in The Fast and the Ridiculous.
Jules' voice actor, Shona Rodman on the cover of Clubhouse Magazine. Shona's outfit from this cover inspired Jules' first character design.
Album Appearances
Jules Kendall has appeared in the following albums:
- Family Portraits
- The Lost Episodes
- Album 01: The Adventure Begins
- Album 02: The Wildest Summer Ever
- Album 03: Heroes
- Album 04: FUN-damentals
- Album 05: Daring Deeds, Sinister Schemes
- Album 06: Mission: Accomplished
- Album 07: On Thin Ice
- Album 08: Beyond Expectations
- Album 09: Just in Time
- Album 10: Other Times, Other Places
- Album 11: It’s Another Fine Day...
- Album 12: At Home and Abroad
- Album 13: It All Started When...
- Album 14: Meanwhile, in Another Part of Town
- Album 15: A Place of Wonder
- Album 16: Flights of Imagination
- Album 17: On Earth as It Is in Heaven
- Album 18: A Time of Discovery
- Album 19: Passport to Adventure
- Album 20: A Journey of Choices
- Album 21: Wish You Were Here!
- Album 22: The Changing Times
- Album 23: Twists and Turns
- Album 24: Risks and Rewards
- Album 25: Darkness Before Dawn
- Album 26: Back on the Air
- Album 27: The Search for Whit
- Album 28: Welcome Home!
- Album 29: Signed, Sealed and Committed
- Album 30: Through Thick and Thin
- Album 31: Days to Remember
- Album 32: Hidden Treasures
- Album 33: Virtual Realities
- Album 34: In Your Wildest Dreams
- Album 35: The Big Picture
- Album 36: Danger Signals
- Album 37: Countermoves
- Album 38: Battle Lines
- Album 39: Friends, Family, and Countrymen
- Album 40: Out of Control
- Album 41: In Hot Pursuit
- Album 42: No Way Out
- Album 43: Along for the Ride
- Album 44: Eugene Returns!
- Album 45: Lost and Found
- Album 46: A Date with Dad (and Other Calamities)
- Album 47: Into the Light
- Album 48: Moment of Truth
- Album 49: The Sky’s the Limit
- Album 50: The Best Small Town
- The Truth Chronicles
- Passages: Darien’s Rise
- Album 51: Take it From the Top
- Album 52: Cause and Effect
- Album 53: The Green Ring Conspiracy
- Album 54: Clanging Cymbals...and the Meaning of God's Love
- Album 55: The Deep End
- Album 56: The Grand Design
- Album 57: A Call to Something More (1 episode)
- Album 58: The Ties That Bind (11 episodes)
- Album 59: Taking the Plunge
- Album 60: Head Over Heels
- Album 61: Without a Hitch
- Album 62: Let’s Put on a Show! (4 episodes)
- Album 63: Up in the Air (2 episodes)
- Album 64: Under the Surface
- Album 65: Expect the Unexpected (1 episode)
- Album 66: Trial by Fire (2 episodes)
- Album 67: More Than Meets the Eye
- Album 68: Out of the Blue
- Album 69: Best Kept Secrets (3 episodes)
- Album 70: Finding a Way (1 episode)
- Album 71: A Slippery Slope
- Album 72: The Long Road Home (4 episodes)
- Album 73: 28 Hours
- Album 74: Buckle Up! (1 episode)
- Album 75: The Best Is Yet to Come (4 episodes)
- Album 76: Keep it Together (3 episodes)
- Album 77: A New Perspective (2 episodes)
- Album 78: At Face Value
- Album 79: 11th Hour
Jules Kendall has appeared in the following club seasons:
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 1
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 2
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 3
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 4
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 5 (1 episode)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 6 (1 episode)
- 30th Birthday Live Show (album) (1 episode)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 10 (4 episodes)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 11
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 12
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 7
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 8 (1 episode)
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 9
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 1
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 2
- Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 3
- B-TV: The Collection
- Daily Bible Readings (album)
- Hope in Trying Times
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 1 Soundtrack
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 2 Soundtrack
- Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 3 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 4 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 5 Soundtrack
- Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 6 Soundtrack
- The Leonard Meltsner Saga
- The Officer Harley Collection
Jules Kendall has appeared on the front cover of the following albums:
Jules Kendall has appeared on the back cover of the following album:
- Major Characters
- Episode characters
- Cut and Fold Characters
- Characters in 966: The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 1
- Characters in 967: The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 2
- Characters in 968: The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 3
- Characters in 969: The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 4
- Characters in 972: Alibis
- Characters in 973: Extended Cut
- Characters in 974: The Show Must Go On (and On)
- Characters in 979: Right Notes, Wrong Key
- Characters in 980: Making an Honest Buck, Part 1
- Characters in 981: Making an Honest Buck, Part 2
- Characters in ???: A Thousand Blessings
- Characters in 992: Unmanagable
- Characters in 993: Facing the Music
- Characters who have appeared in comics