Ryan Cummings

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Ryan Cummings
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Ryan is the mayor of Kidsboro and the former captain of the Odyssey Middle School basketball team. He is about age 12-14 according to the Kidsboro books. He is also the de facto leader of the The Square One Club. He appears to be a transitional character appearing solely in Kidsboro through the Truth Chronicles before finally appearing in regular album episodes.


Ryan used to live in California with his mother and his father under the name of Jim Bowers. But when his father became an alcoholic, Ryan, eight years old at the time, and his mother left his dad in the middle of the night after experiencing abuse from Mr. Bowers. They went to an abuse shelter that set them up with a new name and life in Odyssey.

Kidsboro Military Information

He is a soldier for the Kidsboro Military. He was also a soldier involved in Operation: Save Marcy


Pictures of Ryan Cummings


Ryan Cummings: Princess Baba is the twin of Prince Jessup!

#673: “The Owlnapping”

Ryan Cummings: So, let me get this straight: Our national flower can't die, and our national bird is already dead?

#645: “Kidsboro, Part 3”

Brad Ralph: When I gave my speech last week I kept stumbling over my words because her long eyelashes kept fluttering at me. Like basketball nets when you shoot a swish through them.
Ryan Cummings: Her eyelashes swish?
Brad Ralph: Every time she blinks.

#696: “You're Two Kind”

Ryan Cummings: This was our chance to see our role models in action! Instead it was about as exciting as sharpening pencils.
Alice Funderburk: You got to sharpen pencils?

#643: “Kidsboro, Part 1”

Ryan Cummings: Prayer isn't about working or not working. Or winning or losing. Prayer is about a relationship with Jesus. That's what's important [...] Praying is up to us, but what happens after we pray is up to Him. All I can do is the best I can do. I hope to play well and whether I win or lose, I hope I'm a good witness for Him.

#721: “The Holy Hoopster”

Ryan Cummings: What's next?! Suing someone because of bad breath?!

#644: “Kidsboro, Part 2”

Ryan Cummings: Valerie. The same Valerie I know? But she's so..
Brad Ralph: Spunky!
Ryan Cummings: Yeah, spunky like a pit bull.

#696: “You're Two Kind”

Ryan Cummings: At one point, there was a guy who nearly fell asleep, while he was talking.

#643: “Kidsboro, Part 1”

Ryan Cummings: Objection, she's [Valerie] badgering the witness.
Nelson Swanson: Yeah, that's exactly what she's doing. I feel badgered.

#644: “Kidsboro, Part 2”


Ryan Cummings is voiced by Adam Wylie, has appeared in 13 episodes.

Ryan Cummings has been mentioned in 2 episodes.

Ryan Cummings has appeared in 1 comic story arc(s).