Jessie Morales

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Jessie Morales
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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Jessie Morales is a cheerful, but scatterbrained girl, who is a Christian, but can be swayed with romantic-themed media and superstition. She used to have a big crush on Jimmy Barclay, until she broke up with him for Eugene. She enjoys watching at least one soap opera and will work very hard to watch it every day. Despite Jessie's apparent being scatterbrained, she's actually rather sophisticated for her age. She has a large vocabulary which helps her with her up-and-coming writing skills. She once went to the Lost and Found at school to look for her innocence and she also hired Harlow Doyle to help her find her lost faith.


Her mom is Mrs. Morales.


Jessie Morales: There's a flea on the fly on the hair on the wart on the frog on the knot on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea, there's a flea on the fly on the hair on the wart on the frog on the knot on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. There's a hole! There's a hole. There's a hole in the bottom of the seaaa. There's aaaaa hole in the bottom of the sea, there's a hole in the bottom of the s—
Robyn Jacobs: ENOUGH, with the hole in the bottom of the sea!!

#125: “All's Well With Boswell”

Eugene Meltsner: I believe enough substantial research has been done to determine that there is indeed a relationship between sensory stimulation and memory enhancement.
Jessie Morales: I love it when you talk like that, Eugene... I don't know what you're saying, but it gives me chills.

#139: “Melanie's Diary”

Jessie Morales: I think I'll go home and watch Young Hearts Turning.
Donna Barclay: Thanks a lot, Benedict Jezebel!

#152: “The Meaning of Sacrifice”

Jessie Morales: Connie, I really thought a woman of your age would know better.
Connie Kendall: Wha... what do you mean, a woman of my age??!!

#162: “Peacemaker”

Jessie Morales: But you'll get bad luck if you don't, Robyn. I had a great Aunt once who had nothing but bad luck.
Robyn Jacobs: What happened to her?
Jessie Morales: Once she got her purse stolen after a hurricane went through her neighborhood, and her house caught fire from a short circuit in a gift electric blanket for her water bed.
Robyn Jacobs: Really? All that happened to her at the same time?
Jessie Morales: Yeah. Well, over six years.

#107: “Bad Luck”

Tom Riley: There's a... hole in the bottom of the sea!
Jessie Morales: Hey!
Robyn Jacobs: Don't even THINK about it, Jessie.

#125: “All's Well With Boswell”

Jessie Morales: Uh oh, what's this? The two of you are gonna gang up on me now? Maybe ridicule me for not putting my clothes in chronological order?
Donna Barclay: No...
Connie Kendall: ..."chronological"?

#162: “Peacemaker”

Jessie Morales: Boys — they're so weird!

#117: “The Trouble with Girls”

Robyn Jacobs: Thanks a lot, Jessie! Kitty-Crunchies all over the floor. Another mess to clean.
Jessie Morales: Why don't you just put Boswell down and let him eat it up? <beat> Okay, bad suggestion.

#125: “All's Well With Boswell”

Jimmy Barclay: Dad's going on a trip, and he wants to take me with him.
Donna Barclay: Oh, no!
Jessie Morales: <in flashback> He came home, picked up her little brother, and split.
Donna Barclay: Just like Wendy.
Jimmy Barclay: Donna?
Donna Barclay: Huh?
Jimmy Barclay: You okay? You look the way people look on TV when they're remembering what someone said in an earlier scene.

#140: “The Vow”

Jessie Morales: Good grief Robyn, no wonder you lose everything. Don't you ever clean your locker?
Robyn Jacobs: Is this your imitation of my mom? Help me look!

#139: “Melanie's Diary”

Jimmy Barclay: ... Donna! Mr. Whittaker!
Jessie Morales: You forgot me, Jimmy.
Jimmy Barclay: Jessie!
Jessie Morales: Thank you.
Joe Finneman: A friendly store where everyone knows each other — oh, it just warms my heart.

#152: “The Meaning of Sacrifice”

Jessie Morales: Connellsville Furniture. How interesting.
Robyn Jacobs: Why?
Jessie Morales: I dunno, I just thought it was interesting. That's all.
Robyn Jacobs: <beat> You're weird, Jessie.

#125: “All's Well With Boswell”

Jessie Morales: If you rub a rabbit's foot, it'll bring you good luck.
Robyn Jacobs: Good luck for who? Not the rabbit, that's for sure.

#107: “Bad Luck”

Robyn Jacobs: I don't believe it! Leave me alone! I'm not superstitious!
Jessie Morales: "Superstitious"? That word has thirteen letters in it! Thirteen is bad luck!

#107: “Bad Luck”

Jessie Morales: My mom says I have a natural ability for putting together, you know, um...
Connie Kendall: Words?
Jessie Morales: Yeah! Putting words together!

#117: “The Trouble with Girls”

Jessie Morales: Don't do anything drastic.
Robyn Jacobs: I only wanna think.
Jessie Morales: That's what I mean.

#139: “Melanie's Diary”

Jessie Morales: You're late for your meeting, Robyn! You'll have to run!
Dale Jacobs: But be careful of the sidewalk!
Robyn Jacobs: Why?
Jessie Morales: Step on a crack...

#107: “Bad Luck”

Jessie Morales: <to Jimmy> I'll be yours forever and ever, Jimmy! The two of us, side-by-side! I'll never part from you! See you later!

#117: “The Trouble with Girls”


Jessie Morales is voiced by Erin Morales, has appeared in 12 episodes.

Jessie Morales has been mentioned in 2 episodes.

Jessie Morales has appeared in 1 comic story arc(s).