Category:Character stubs
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Character pages that are stubs. In the case of many of these, there is no more information regarding them, if so, please remove the {{stub|character}} template.
Pages in category "Character stubs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,434 total.
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- A-Jax Manick
- Aaron (a)
- Aaron (c)
- Aaron Hall
- Aaron Rotfeld
- Abby
- Abby Libbens
- Abdul
- Abednego
- Abigail
- Abinadab
- Abishai
- Abner
- Abominable Turkey
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abram
- Absalom
- Accent Instructor
- Achan
- Adam
- Adam Haz
- Adam Walters
- Adena
- Aditya
- Admiral Coraden
- Admiral George Cockburn
- Adolf Jerkball
- Adrian
- Adrian Deputy
- Adrian Priest
- Adrian Soldier
- Advertisement narrator
- Advertisement Voiceover
- Aerobics Woman
- Affirmus
- African Proverb Narrator
- Agatha
- Agatha Rathbone
- Agent Billings
- Agent Brooke
- Agent Dell Heyworth
- Agent Farthing
- Agent Florin
- Agent Garfield
- Agent Huddleston
- Agent Martin
- Agent Vicks
- Ahimaaz
- Ahithophel
- Airman
- Airplane Announcer
- Airport announcer
- Airport Employee
- Airport P.A. Announcer
- Airport PA Announcer
- Ajam
- Al Davis
- Al Larson
- Alan Booth
- Alapur
- Alarm Clock
- Alastair Kook
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Ellingwood
- Albert Ross
- Albert Schultz
- Alberto
- Aldo
- Alexandria Decker
- Alfred Brownlee
- Alfred Meyers
- Alfrick
- Algebra teacher
- Ali Farah
- Alice (a)
- Alice (b)
- Alice McGibbens
- Alice Pearson
- Alice Pringle
- Alicia
- Alicia (b)
- Alicia Jennings
- Alicia's Mother
- Alien
- Alison Leskowsky
- Allen Ginsmore
- Allie
- Alma Stump
- Aman
- Amanda (c)
- Amanda Hardwick
- Amasa
- Amasiah
- Ambassador
- Amber
- Amber (b)
- Ambrose Schnook
- Amen-Hir-Khopshef
- Amina
- Ammonite King
- Amy
- Amy Birch
- Amy Carmichael
- Amy Ross
- Amy Scott
- Ana
- Ananias (a)
- Ananias (b)
- Andras
- Andrea Hiller
- Andres
- Andrew
- Andrew (b)
- Andrew Drevil
- Andrew Johnson
- Andrew Kiley
- Andrew Vincent
- Andrews Twin (a)
- Andrews Twin (b)
- Andromeda Security Guard
- Andy
- Andy (a)
- Andy (b)
- Andy Davis
- Andy Dumas
- Andy Rome
- Angel
- Angela
- Angela (b)
- Angela (c)
- Angelo Sisco
- Anger
- Angie
- Angie (b)
- Angie's Mother
- Angry Arab
- Angry Neighbor Lady
- Angry Neighbor Man
- Angus McKinney
- Angus's Henchman
- Anias
- Anita Clair
- Anjali
- Anmol Kirban
- Ann
- Ann Jacobs
- Anna Kelly
- Anna Warner
- Annabella Lee
- Annas
- Anne Marsden
- Annie
- Annie (a)
- Annie Spafford
- Announcer (a)
- Announcer (b)
- Announcer (c)
- Announcer (d)
- Announcer (e)
- Announcer (f)
- Announcer (g)
- Announcer (h)
- Announcer (i)
- Announcer (o)
- Announcer (p)
- Announcer (q)
- Announcer (r)
- Annunciator
- Answering Machine
- Antonius
- Apache
- Apartment Security Officer
- Apollyon
- AppleBerry Announcer
- April
- April Kendall
- Archbishop
- Arctic Blast
- Ariella
- Arioch
- Arlo Snoden
- Armitage Shanks
- Arnold Schwarzenbanger
- Art Gallery Customer
- Art Gallery Security Guard
- Art Museum Curator
- Arthur
- Arthur Fieldstone
- Arthur Grembly
- Artie Powell
- Aryeh
- Ashley
- Ashley (a)
- Ashley Jenkins
- Ashphenaz
- Asmita