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Information.png Adam is one of 806 characters who have appeared in fewer than six episodes. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Episode appearances
[[:Category:Characters who are {{{religion}}}s|{{{religion}}}]][[Category:Characters who are {{{religion}}}s]]
First episode
Last episode

This article is about the first man on earth. For other uses, see Adam (disambiguation)

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Adam was the first man created by God on Earth. He was the second to sin, his wife, Eve, being the first. God told them that they could eat from any tree, except for the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. After his sin, God kicked them out of the Garden of Eden.


Family Tree: Bible family. Adam's wife is Eve and his known sons include Cain, Abel, and Seth.


Eve: This time it really is my fault. When I ate the forbidden fruit, the serpent told me I'd be like God. I had no idea something like this would happen!
Adam: No, no it's both our faults. We brought sin into the world. Envy is one of the worst.

#317: “B-TV: Envy”

Pat Philgis: ...Adam and Eve, uh, I don't seem to have your last name here.
Adam: Smith.
Pat Philgis: Adam and Eve... Smith.
Eve: Hi.
Pat Philgis: And from not quite as ancient Israel is Jonah—Uh... no last name either?
Jonah: Arrr!... Smith.

#461: “B-TV: Obedience”


Adam has appeared in 5 episodes, has been voiced by 5 actors.

All (5)  · Townsend Coleman (1998)  · Nathan Carlson (1998)  · Unknown (2008)  · Corey Burton (1995)  · Steve Bridges (2001)