Alma Stump
Alma Stump is one of 2,422 characters who have only appeared in one episode. Not much information may be available about him or her. |
Miss Alma Stump was one of the first citizens to receive help from the Israelites, a group of kids from around town that committed good acts of service in a time of confusion.
Alma had a fence surrounding her property, one that was supposed to keep animals and other pests away from her many fruit trees. But since the barrier had been broken down long ago, countless critters entered, eating up her produce! Unable to do the work herself, in turn of arthritis, as well as not being able to afford good help, she was trapped.
However, hearing upon this, the Israelites fixed up her fencing and put an end to the chaos, causing a news report regarding them on T.V the next afternoon.
Alma Stump does not talk about any family, though we can assume she isn't married.