Regis Blackgaard

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Regis Blackgaard
Dr Regis Blackgaard Look at Camera.png
Voiced by
Episode appearances
Episode mentions
Super Villain
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Regis Blackgaard, often referenced with his proper title as Dr. Regis Blackgaard or less formally Blackgaard, is the perennial villain of Adventures in Odyssey and synonymous with evil in Odyssey. Voiced by Earl Boen (who also voices his identical twin brother Edwin Blackgaard), Dr. Blackgaard is a villain who has repeatedly attempted to steal computer programs or other valuable resources from the town of Odyssey for monetary gain. The name Blackgaard is clearly intended to convey the same meaning as the word blackguard. In his first episode, Blackgaard insisted that he be referred to as "Dr." Philip Glossman elaborated that Blackgaard holds a PhD in child psychology, which Glossman claimed qualified Blackgaard to establish Blackgaard's Castle, an "amusement house for kids" that competed with Whit's End.

Blackgaard was involved with the international terrorist organization Red Scorpion, though he later betrayed it, describing its revolutionary goals as "petty" and indicating he never really believed in it. He also ran for mayor of Odyssey against Tom Riley in a recall election, but only as a cover for his ultimate plan to acquire the mineral in the Underground Railroad tunnels beneath Whit's End. Behind the scenes he was always involved in some evil plot or other to destroy Whit's End and was even an accomplice to murder on some occasions.

His goals are somewhat difficult to ascertain. Jason Whittaker guessed in The Final Conflict that, "He's a megalomaniac. He just wants power and lots of money."

Famous for masterminding the tangled web of schemes surrounding the legacy of the fan-named Blackgaard saga, Dr. Blackgaard, one of the most recognizable characters in the series, has appeared in a mere 19 Adventures in Odyssey episodes, while the series has produced almost 900 to date.

Dr. Regis Blackgaard was last seen in Odyssey when he killed himself by purposely succumbing to a tunnel explosion of his own doing, which he considered preferable to letting himself be claimed by the Ruku virus. Afterwards, Professor Bovril claimed that he could have saved Regis with an antidote to the virus created from the mineral found in the tunnel under Whit's End. His death occurred in the episode #334: “The Final Conflict” and his will was carried out in #342: “Welcome Home, Mr. Blackgaard”.

The Blackgaard saga had an encore in the episodes #424: “Blackgaard's Revenge, Part 1” and #425: “Blackgaard's Revenge, Part 2”. Blackgaard was revealed to have planted a virus in the Imagination Station, which would cause a character with Blackgaard's memory and personality to appear in the Station's programs. The Blackgaard virus attempted to implant Blackgaard's personality onto the brain of young Aubrey Shepard, effectively giving Blackgaard a "new life". However, the virus was destroyed by Mr. Whittaker.

Extended Backstory

Dr. Blackgaard's past was further elaborated in the respective canon novel and comic series, the Blackgaard Chronicles, and Elsewhere in Odyssey.


See Blackgaard quotes


Main article: Blackgaard family

Regis has a twin brother Edwin Blackgaard and his mother, Yvette is still living. He mentioned a younger sister and granddaughter in #290: “A Name, Not a Number, Part 1” but this could have simply been a part of his cover. It is revealed in canon "the Acolyte" comic arc that Nicholas Adamsworth became a surrogate son to him, but it seems as if this was a one sided relationship and was merely a form of manipulation on Blackgaard's part.




Regis Blackgaard is voiced by Earl Boen, has appeared in 19 episodes.

Regis Blackgaard has been mentioned in 14 episodes.

Regis Blackgaard has appeared in 3 comic story arc(s).

Album Appearances

Regis Blackgaard has appeared in the following albums:

Regis Blackgaard has appeared in the following club seasons:

Regis Blackgaard has appeared on the front cover of the following albums:

Regis Blackgaard has appeared on the back cover of the following album:
