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- March 26, 1988
Galatians 6:9
“Recollections” is episode #19 of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written by Phil Lollar, and originally aired on March 26, 1988.
Whit’s best friend, Tom Riley, tells Connie the story of how Whit's End was created amid tragic circumstances.
Connie rushes in late, and starts to make excuses to Whit, who is supposed to be behind the counter. Only it isn't Whit, it's Tom because Whit went to go visit his wife's grave, who died four years ago. Tom begins to tell Connie the story of how Jenny saved Whit's End.
In a flashback, Jenny is speaking before Tom and the other members of the town council pleading with them to let her save the Fillmore Recreation Center - which is now Whit's End - from destruction. One of the members, Philip Glossman, doesn't want to sell the property to Jenny because he wants to destroy the building and sell it the Webster Development Firm that wants to turn it into a mini mall. Jenny argues so passionately that she passes out and is rushed to the hospital. Whit arrives and learns that Jenny is suffering from a chronic ailment that is slowly deteriorating her kidneys. The doctors can do nothing because the sickness had gone to far to be stopped now. Because of Jenny's death, the town council puts off voting on the recreation center for a month. Tom and Officer Harley visit Whit to try and convince him to carry on the fight. Whit refuses, saying that fighting for this building is what killed his wife.
Later, he visits the old center where he sees a bunch of children playing happily on the grounds. There, a young girl says that after the center is tore down, none of the kids will have a place to play anymore. Whit listens and is touched. The girl's mother calls for her to leave. Her name is Jenny. Whit takes that to be a sign from God to keep fighting.
Right after the council votes to sell it to the Webster Development Firm, Whit bursts in, saying that a company called Universal Press Foundation wants to buy the recreation center for 3.5 million which happens to be 500,000 dollars more than what the Webster Development Firm had offered! UPF proposes to turn it into "a place of adventure and discovery, filled with books and activities, fun and games, arts and crafts, and uplifting conversation". The council re-votes to sell it to Universal Press.
Coming out of the flashback, Connie learns that the man who owns UPF is Whit himself!
Discussion Questions
- Why did Jenny Whittaker want to preserve the Fillmore Recreation Center?
- Is it important to preserve buildings, items, and memories?
- Why?
- What's the most significant memory you have?
Heard in episode
Mentioned in episode
Character | Mentioned By |
Sheriff Moorehead | Jenny Whittaker |
Jerry Whittaker | Jenny Whittaker |
Jana Whittaker-Dowd | Jenny Whittaker |
Jason Whittaker | Jenny Whittaker |
Tom Riley Sr. | Tom Riley |
VERSION DIFFERENCE: [view] In the original Odyssey USA broadcast of this episode, Harley has a few additional lines when he comes to visit Whit with Tom.
- Trivia
- In this episode, listeners finally learned about Whit's background and the history of Whit's End's past.
- This show introduces both Whit's wife Jenny and Philip Glossman, the latter of whom would play a larger, more sinister role in later episodes.
- This episode introduces the Webster Development Firm when Philip Glossman promotes their offer (which was owned by Dr. Regis Blackgaard). It can be said that this show is what really began the Blackgaard saga.
- During this episode (between the time that Jenny dies and the time that Tom Riley and Officer Harley visit Whit at his home), Whit and Jack Allen traveled to Nebraska and all of the events of #365: “Clara” took place. This would explain Tom's comment to Connie that "nobody saw much of Whit after Jenny died."
- This is one of only three episodes available in mainstream albums that contain Officer Harley. The other two episodes are #5: “Gifts for Madge and Guy” and #54: “Peace on Earth”. Most of Harley's other episodes were not available until the release of The Officer Harley Collection, an album in the Adventures in Odyssey Club.
- This episode establishes that Tom Riley was at one point chairman of the Odyssey City Council.
- Whit makes a kind of joke to Cadet Harley, saying that both he and his wife are "J. Whittaker". In fact, except for Whit's grandson, Monty Whittaker and his father, Harold Whittaker, every Whittaker is a "J. Whittaker".
- Goofs
- In this episode Tom tells Connie that Whit stated he will buy the "Fillmore Recreation Center and its adjoining land." However, later Whit tells Connie and Eugene, "You know that I don't own the land around Whit's End, just the building." This later becomes a major plot point in the Blaackgard Saga (see also Land around Whit's End controversy).
- At Whit's End: Read
- Adventures in Odyssey Headquarters: Read
- AIO Update: Read
Jenny Whittaker: Whit, you old grump.
Tom Riley: Mr. Glossman has a lot of bright ideas on how to modernize this city so it can make more money. But there's some of us here who like the old things, Mr. Whittaker, who don't want our town to become all chrome and glass, and your wife was one of those people.
John Whittaker: UPF proposes to rebuild the recreation center. And I'm quoting now: "As a place of adventure and discovery, filled with books and activities, fun and games, arts and crafts, and uplifting conversation. But most of all, it will be a place where kids of all ages can just be kids."
David Harley: So, I think you'll agree that the single biggest cause of juvenile delinquency in the country these days is young people! Now, I realize that may sound like a generalization, but if you take a look at a cross-section of all J.D.'s — uh, that stands for "juvenile delinquents" — you'd probably find that most of them — most of them — are between the ages of five and eighteen years of age. Coincidence? Maybe. But do we really wanna take the chance? I, for one, don't think so!
- Episodes aired 22 times
- Episodes in Album 01: The Adventure Begins
- 1988 Season Episodes
- Episodes sorted alphabetically
- Episodes sorted chronologically
- Episodes hosted by Chris Anthony
- Episodes written by Phil Lollar
- Episodes directed by Steve Harris
- Episodes produced by Bob Luttrell
- Episodes with sound design by Bob Luttrell
- Episodes with music by Martie Echito
- Episodes recorded at Unknown
- Episodes engineered by Bob Luttrell
- Episodes executive produced by Chuck Bolte
- Episodes in Album 01: The Early Classics
- Episodes in Classics 01: Welcome to Odyssey
- Episodes in 10 CD Collector’s Edition
- Episodes in Discovering Odyssey
- Episodes in Aventuras en Odisea: Volumen 1
- Episodes in Aventuras en Odisea (Album)
- Episodes in Megapack
- Episodes with Object Lesson intro
- Episodes with Normal intro
- Episodes with Whit's Invention intro
- Episodes with Narration wraps
- Episodes with Normal wraps
- Episodes with theme of Perseverance
- Episodes with theme of Integrity
- Whit's History Episodes
- The Blackgaard Chronicles Episodes
- History of Whit’s End Episodes
- Politics Episodes
- Tragedy Episodes
- Episodes with references from Galatians
- Episodes of Aventuras en Odisea
- Episodes directed by Phil Lollar
- Episodes produced by Steve Harris
- Episodes with promos
- Episodes with samples
- Episodes on CBD
- Episodes on iTunes
- Episodes on AIOHQ
- Episodes on the Odyssey Library
- Episodes on the Odyssey Scoop
- Episodes on the Soda Fountain
- Episodes with John Whittaker
- Episodes with Tom Riley
- Episodes with Connie Kendall
- Episodes with Philip Glossman
- Episodes that mention Sheriff Moorehead
- Episodes that mention Jerry Whittaker
- Episodes that mention Jana Whittaker-Dowd
- Episodes that mention Jason Whittaker
- Episodes that mention Tom Riley Sr.
- Episodes with version differences
- Episodes referenced in the comics
- Episodes depicted in the comics