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Welcome Home, Mr. Blackgaard

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#342: “Welcome Home, Mr. Blackgaard”
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26: Back on the Air
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Matthew 6:14-15

14For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Matthew 18:21-22
21Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" 22Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

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Welcome Home, Mr. Blackgaard

“Welcome Home, Mr. Blackgaard” is episode #342 of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written and directed by Phil Lollar, and originally aired on January 20, 1996.


Edwin Blackgaard returns to Odyssey to take over the Electric Palace and reopen the Harlequin Theatre.


Things are rough for Edwin Blackgaard. Having recently fled Odyssey, Edwin has spent his time with Walter Shakespeare, doing a two-man Hamlet in Hooterville and Pecanburg, where we catch up with him. After a particularly disastrous performance (in which the town’s livestock actually outnumber the people in the audience), Edwin is visited backstage by Morton Dunkey, attorney at law. Morton informs Edwin that he has been named in his brother Regis’s will!

Edwin has inherited a piece of property in Odyssey, a store called the Electric Palace! At first, Edwin refuses his inheritance, but the stipulations of the will force him to accept. Shakespeare doesn’t understand why Edwin is so hesitant to go back to Odyssey. Edwin explains that the townspeople will probably never forgive him for running away during his brother’s takeover. Now he’ll have to face the music.

They head back to Odyssey. Edwin braces himself for the trouble he is sure he will encounter. But he does not come across any problems. In fact, the people of the town, including Jack Allen and Tom Riley, welcome Edwin back with open arms. Edwin is so grateful, he feels he must do something for everyone. He decides to give away all of the merchandise in the Electric Palace!

After the store is cleaned out, Jack visits Edwin and convinces him that it isn’t the people of Odyssey who need to forgive him, Edwin needs to forgive himself. Edwin realizes Jack is right. That night, Edwin gets proof that the town isn’t holding a grudge against him. Everyone throws him a party and brings back all the merchandise they took from the store. Edwin is again grateful, so much so, he decides to treat everyone to a one-man performance of Hamlet which is almost bad enough to make them take back their merchandise again.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why was Edwin so certain that the townspeople of Odyssey would hate him?
  2. Why didn’t the townspeople hate him?
  3. Jack told Edwin he needed to forgive himself. What did Jack mean?
    • Have you ever done anything for which you needed to forgive yourself?


Heard in episode

Role Voice Actor
Bart Rathbone Walker Edmiston
Doris Rathbone Pamela Hayden
Edwin Blackgaard Earl Boen
Jack Allen Alan Young
John Q. Public Corey Burton
Man at Edwin's party Unknown
Man in Edwin's dream #1 Alan Young
Man in Edwin's dream #2 Walker Edmiston
Man on the street Phil Lollar
Morton Dunkey Jerry Dexter
Tom Riley Walker Edmiston
Walter Shakespeare Corey Burton
Woman on the street Pamela Hayden

Mentioned in episode

Character Mentioned By
Regis Blackgaard Morton Dunkey
Jason Whittaker Jack Allen
Connie Kendall Jack Allen
Eugene Meltsner Jack Allen


  • This is the first of two episodes to follow a plot pattern of Edwin being visited by a straight-laced professional who frightens Edwin and threatens to upend his life as he knows it with news regarding the Electric Palace. The problem is compounded by the antics of Bart Rathbone and the solution involves Jack Allen referencing a Shakespeare production. The second episode is #359: “The Merchant of Odyssey”.
  • The episode opens with Edwin performing Act 5, scene 2 of Shakespeare's Hamlet; he quotes this play throughout the rest of the scene.
    • Edwin's line "there's the rub" when admitting to Shakespeare that he feels his performances have been sub-par is a quote from Hamlet's famous "to be or not to be" soliloquy found in Act 3 Scene 1.
    • Edwin again wrests lines from Hamlet when he says, of his late brother, "Alas, poor Regis; I knew him well." This is a misquote of the famous line from Act 5 Scene 1: "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio." (commonly misquoted as substituting 'well' for 'Horatio'.)
    • When Edwin decides he must return to Odyssey he quote Act 2 Scene 2 with the line "oh, what a rogue and peasant slave am I."
  • Throughout Edwin and Shakespeare's conversation at the beginning of the episode, the animals Shakespeare mentioned can be heard in the background; when Edwin says "My Hamlet has gone to the dogs" a quick bark can be heard.
  • Edwin references a different Shakespeare play towards the end of the episode with his line regarding "the milk of human kindness", which originated in Macbeth.
  • At the end of this episode when everyone is talking at once, Doris Rathbone can be heard calling out for "pork rinds" — yet another reference to her and Bart's affinity for pork rinds, which debuted in #258: “Aloha, Oy!, Part 3”.


Edwin Blackgaard: ...I'd like to thank you for allowing our two man troupe to bring a little Hamlet, to your little—hamlet.

Edwin Blackgaard: Have you forgotten how we left? Under the cover of darkness, cowering with our tails between our legs like stray ducks?
Walter Shakespeare: I think you mean dogs, sir. Cowering out of town like stray dogs?
Edwin Blackgaard: What difference does it make?!?

Walter Shakespeare: Sir? Sir, I really don't think you need to duck behind me anymore. No one seems to be taking notice of us. And those who are-
Man on the street: Good morning!
Woman on the street: Good morning!
Walter Shakespeare: Good morning.
Edwin Blackgaard: Ahh!!!
Walter Shakespeare: Sir, those who are taking notice of us are very cordial.
Edwin Blackgaard: They're setting me up for the kill! Lulling me into a false sense of security! Be prepared to run, Shakespeare—especially if you see tar and feathers!

Morton Dunkey: I'm a partner in the firm Dunkey, Dunkey, Dunkey, Dunkey, and McCormick. Actually, I'm the third Dunkey.
Edwin Blackgaard: Well, congratulations. I'm so happy for you.

Edwin Blackgaard: Well, that's just ducky, Mr. Donkey!
Morton Dunkey: That's "Dunkey."
Edwin Blackgaard: Whatever.

Edwin Blackgaard: After all, if I were them, and I did what I did to me, I wouldn't forgive me for doing what I did! Would you?

Edwin Blackgaard: I... I'm speechless! I never expected to drink so deeply of the milk of human kindness. This token, this powerful symbol of acceptance and forgiveness, will ne'er be forgotten!
Bart Rathbone: I thought you said you were speechless.

Bart Rathbone: Money is a great way to clear your conscience, trust me!