Curt Stevens
Curt Stevens, voiced by Fabio Stephens, is an early Adventures in Odyssey character who first appeared in #103: “Front Page News”. Interestingly, his character's last name was named after the actor Fabio Stephens — although the writers spelled it differently.
In Odyssey Middle School, Curt would often try to get out of gym class because he was sick of running laps. One such scheme was when Curt told Coach Stubbs he had a rare tropical disease. Coach Stubbs sent Curt to the school nurse, who sent Curt to the principal's office; the principal then sent Curt home to his parents, who sent him to his room for a week. Another involved Curt trying to boycott the "fascist left wing competition", as he put it. As a result, Coach Stubbs washed Curt's mouth out with soap.
Family & Home
- See Stevens family
Much of Curt's family was revealed in the episode #150: “Home Is Where the Hurt Is”. Curt's mother left him and his father, Frank Stevens, after he was born. As a result, Curt's father became an alcoholic. Despite this, in #117: “The Trouble with Girls”, Curt said that his mom packed his lunch. This is due to the fact that the episode was a remake of the Harley episode #13: “Bobby's Valentine”, and the original line was carried over.
Curt and his father live in a trailer park, at least during Curt's time in middle school. Their address, 561 Potter Park, is an allusion to "It's a Wonderful Life." In the film, "Potter's Field" was owned by the rich man, and was known as a slum. Their phone number was revealed to be 555-2157.
One of Curt's grandmothers wears dentures (#118: “What Happened to the Silver Streak?”).
Curt was best friends with Lucy Cunningham-Schultz. In many episodes, Lucy tried to convince Curt to give up on his "schemes". In #638: “The Triangled Web, Part 1”, it was revealed that Lucy and Curt dated throughout high school, and actually were supposed to go to the senior dance together, but he backed out, afraid that Lucy would begin to talk about their "future". In part 2, it is revealed that Curt and Lucy met in the school cafeteria.
Curt and Oscar Peterson were best friends until Curt got him in trouble for Curt's getting out of physed class scheme.
Curt will do almost anything to get out of work. Ironically, he usually puts more effort into a scheme then he would have done by actually doing the work. He also makes bad and/or wrong choices and/or helps others to make the wrong choice.
“ | Curt Stevens: Hi, Lucy! Glad you could make it! Lucy Cunningham-Schultz: Why not? I cover all the accidents around school. |
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“ | Curt Stevens: She really liked me. Bernard Walton: What's not to like? Curt Stevens: Exactly. |
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“ | Curt Stevens: Mr. Walton? Jimmy Barclay: Connie? Jack Davis: Mr. Whittaker? Meriwether Lewis: Where did you people come from? This boat can't handle this much weight! |
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“ | Curt Stevens: <referring to the molasses> Ugh, this stuff is really sticky. Tom Riley: Yeah, and tomorrow, it’ll be dry and probably a lot harder to clean up off my barn floor, too. But I know you’ll do a good job. Curt Stevens: Oh, great. That’s it. I’m never gonna pull another practical joke again — as long as I live. |
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“ | Curt Stevens: "Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?" Lucy Cunningham-Schultz: You stole that! Curt Stevens: I only had like, fifteen minutes! I spent all my time finding the sporks! |
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“ | Curt Stevens: Come on, Mrs. Medlock! Give us a chance! Where would any of the great writers be if someone didn't let them work on their school newspapers? Samuel Clemens would have never met Mark Twain! Charles Dicksonson would have never written classics like David Coppertone or Oliver Twister! William Shakespeare couldn't have penned those immortal words: "To be, or not to be! Wherefore art thou?" Or, "Romeo, Romeo, let down your hair!" |
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“ | Mr. Brown: I'm Brown, from The Sun! Curt Stevens: Really? Are you peeling? |
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“ | Curt Stevens: <about Whit’s exposing Phil Phillips for what he really was> Boy! How did you know he was a fake? John Whittaker: Because a good marketing person has more respect for people’s intelligence — the same with good politicians. And that’s what I was trying to tell you, Curt. Just because you change the name of something, doesn’t mean you change what it really is. You see, my train set is the same train set, whether I called it the Iron Bucket, or something like The Fireball 5000. Fireball 5000 sounds more exciting, but it doesn't really make it a faster train set. It’s all just a name game. Curt Stevens: Gotcha, Mr. Whittaker. John Whittaker: A lot of people like to play the name game with other things, too — like doing things that are wrong. They think that by changing the name, it’s not wrong anymore. But a lie is still a lie, even if you try to call it ‘rhetoric’ or ‘campaign promises’. You get my meaning, Curt? Curt Stevens: Yeah, Mr. Whittaker. I think I’m getting the idea. |
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“ | Curt Stevens: There's a girl who won't leave Jimmy alone. Eugene Meltsner: Ah, a case of harrassment? I believe such things are against the law. Do you want to have her arrested? Curt Stevens: Could we?! |
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“ | John Whittaker: What a brilliant idea, Mr. Mayor! Curt Stevens: Ah. Only moderately. |
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