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Cody Carper

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Cody Carper
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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First episode
Last episode


Cody Carper is new to Odyssey, and has trouble making friends. Cody lives next to Bernard Walton. He has a dog named Rambo. Cody likes maps. It seems that Cody's best friend in Odyssey is Jared DeWhite, although he sought friendship with Doug Underwood and Stewart LaFaye.


Cody's father's name is Richard Carper.


Cody Carper: Hey, Dwayne, it looks like you're going "down" in history!

#403: “Faster Than a Speeding Ticket”

Cody Carper: "Reverend James Klinger. Circuit rider Arizona territory. Saved by grace." What's a circuit rider? Sounds like something in a computer.
Jack Allen: I guess it does at that. But back in the Old West, a circuit wasn't anything electronic—it was a trail.

#402: “Arizona Sunrise”

Cody Carper: I still can't think of who to do this report on.
John Whittaker: Well, how about something to do with grace?
Cody Carper: You mean Mrs. Hawkins?

#384: “Amazing Grace”

John Whittaker: Do you really think this is the best way to get friends? To buy them by giving away a car and a bat?
Cody Carper: Well... it seemed like a good idea at the time.

#375: “The Pushover”

Cody Carper: Post-haste... boy, she's movin' post-haste! Maybe Mr. Whittaker can help me... post-haste. I like it!

#405: “The Graduate”

Cody Carper: Whoa! The Apaches killed Reverend Klinger's mother?
Jack Allen: That's what it says, Cody.
Cody Carper: And he still helped them?
Jack Allen: Apparently so. That's the power of God's love. It can change the heart of someone like Reese and compel a man to help the people who killed his family.
Cody Carper: Yeah.

#402: “Arizona Sunrise”

John Whittaker: Do you know what gullible is?
Cody Carper: Isn't that a kind of fish?

#375: “The Pushover”

Cody Carper: So what happened to him? I haven't heard anything worth doing a report about.
John Whittaker: Just hold on. This story isn't over.

#384: “Amazing Grace”

Dwayne Oswald: I looked over the test Dr. Hawthorne gave me, and it's not mine. Something's wrong here.
Jared DeWhite: Conspiracy, huh? Okay, so what we need to do is call the media. Trust me—they love this stuff. <reporter voice> Student fights for his honor against the forces of evil! Film at 11.
Dwayne Oswald: I don't know...
Cody Carper: <reporter voice> Pardon me, sir. I understand that Dr. Hawthorne's history class is boycotting the cruel and unusual treatment of students. Is that true?
Jared DeWhite: <reporter voice> Yes, they are, Walter. Someone there is holding fair grades hostage. Wait, I'm here with Dwayne Oswald, the man most affected by this sordid affair. Tell me, Mr. Oswald: What do you think?
Dwayne Oswald: I think you guys are totally nuts.

#403: “Faster Than a Speeding Ticket”

Jack Allen: So do you think you might have a story for History Day now?
Cody Carper: Absolutely, Mr. Allen. This is a story that needs to be told.

#402: “Arizona Sunrise”

Cody Carper: Mr. Whittaker, you need to know that Dwayne sometimes forgets to put his name on his test.
Dwayne Oswald: ...Only a couple of times.
Cody Carper: Most of the time!
John Whittaker: I see.
Jared DeWhite: One time, he even wrote a love letter to Mona Mason and he forgot—
Dwayne Oswald: JARED!
Jared DeWhite: <beat> Oh. Sorry.

#403: “Faster Than a Speeding Ticket”

Cody Carper: It's coming closer!
Jared DeWhite: I think it sees us. It's a bear!
Unknown: AAAAH!!

#375: “The Pushover”

Cody Carper: We call him the meanest teacher in history!
John Whittaker: Is he really mean, or is he tough?
Dwayne Oswald: What's the difference?
John Whittaker: Well, it's been my experience that a lot of the time, when kids call a teacher "mean", it's because he's tough on them—he expects them to do their best and won't tolerate laziness or excuses.

#403: “Faster Than a Speeding Ticket”

Jared DeWhite: What was that?
Cody Carper: A sheep.
Jared DeWhite: A sheep? Like Mary had a little sheep?

#375: “The Pushover”


Cody Carper is voiced by Landon Arnold, has appeared in 10 episodes.