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The Green Ring Conspiracy, Part 4
April 02, 2011
Today our journey into the 12 part Green Ring Conspiracy continues with part 4.
- Katrina prepares to tutor students in Whit's End and interviews Buck about a job there. Whit and Monty go to Trickle Lake to see what they can find out about the Green Ring.
After you've heard the episode, come back here to rate the episodes and help fill any details that may be missing on the episode page.
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Two Thousandth Article!
April 03, 2011
Yesterday, at 8:34 EST, user Mitchfan created our two thousandth article, The Consolidated Arts Company. An article is a page with content related to Adventures in Odyssey. Eugene Meltsner, Harlow Doyle, Private Eye and Zapazoids are all articles. Features and other pages such as Character Intersection, Category:Episodes and Special:Statistics do not count as articles.
Congrats to all AIOwiki editors for this accomplishment!
START_WIDGET"'-d8fdeef7212a37a8END_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 118
April 06, 2011
Monty Whittaker is back in Odyssey and he’s voiced by Chad Reisser. Chad has been voicing Monty since 1987 and today he shares the story of how he started on the show, plus the inside scoop of the other parts that he’s played.
The Green Ring Conspiracy, Part 5
April 09, 2011
Today our journey into the 12 part Green Ring Conspiracy continues with part 5.
- Whit and Detective Polehaus pursue connections between the Green Ring and Uncle Archie's Carnival while Wally Haggler and Jay chase leads of their own. Matthew takes the Appleberry to Eugene to try to fix it.
After you've heard the episode, come back here to rate the episodes and help fill any details that may be missing on the episode page.
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The Meaning of Sacrifice
April 14, 2011
For a limited time you can download 152: The Meaning of Sacrifice from CBD for free, you can do so here.
The Green Ring Conspiracy, Part 6 and NEW ART!!
April 16, 2011
We have some big news today, the covers for Album 54 and The Blackgaard Chronicles have been posted. Both collections are due out this fall, you can see full details about each collection on their album pages, let us know what you think of the new covers in the comments.
Also today our journey into the 12 part Green Ring Conspiracy continues with part 6.
- Everyone goes to Uncle Archie's Carnival. There, Connie and Matthew both feel excluded from new friendships between Penny, Wooton, Buck, and Emily. Whit, Detective Polehaus, and Monty investigate clues.
After you've heard the episode, come back here to rate the episodes and help fill any details that may be missing on the episode page.
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START_WIDGET"'-f1a52d972f0f1ec3END_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 119
April 20, 2011
Jonathan tells the amazing story of his bike wreck, hospital stay, halo fitting and eventual recovery. Plus, hear calls from the comment line and a preview of the next episode of the Green Ring.
New Contest and the cover for Album 29
April 21, 2011
Today we're pleased to open a new contest, this time around it's a crossword puzzle with the winners receiving a copy of the epic Album 53: The Green Ring Conspiracy. To get started click here.
In other news on the Adventures in Odyssey Facebook Page you can help to decide which illustration should be on the new cover of Album 29: Signed, Sealed and Committed! Check it out and submit your vote!
The Green Ring Conspiracy, Part 7
April 23, 2011
Today airs part 7 of the exciting Green Ring conspiracy.
- Whit explores technology to find Monty while Connie explores Wooton's feelings for Penny. Katrina grows suspicious of Buck while Emily's trust in him grows as she helps him find the Appleberry.
After you've heard the episode, come back here to rate the episodes and help fill any details that may be missing on the episode page.
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Also an update on our contest, we've received the three winning entries, check back early next week to see if it's you.
Happy Easter!
April 24, 2011
The Adventures in Odyssey Wiki would like to wish you a happy Easter!
Problems in Plymouth
April 25, 2011
Today we're pleased to have the cover for the 6th book in the Imagination Station Series, you can see it to the left. Problems in Plymouth is written by Marianne Hering and Marshal Younger and is due out in store this fall, see here for full details.
Contest Winners, Album 54 and 55, and More!
April 26, 2011
There's a bunch of news today! First up is the winners of our Crossword Puzzle:
- John Paul
- David Hilder
- Jenna
Thank-you to Tyndale for supplying the prizes, if you're curious you can check out the puzzle and solution here. For the rest of you that didn't win, keep checking back in the days ahead, we still have a few more copies to give away!
On to the topic of Album 55 yesterday Brock posted an update on the AIO facebook page saying that if we can get 100 people to like it he'll release some new info about 55. Right now we're just under half way, so if you haven't done that yet, go over and do it now! Don't forget to tell your friends about it too.
Also, yesterday, Audio Theater Central released a new podcast. In it they revealed that due to a last minute change at FOTF, Album 54 will now contain 3 episodes that follow up directly from where 53 left off. On the topic of albums 54 and 55, we've made a new page here called future which contains everything we know about what's coming up for the radio show.
In other news Album 54, the Blackgaard Chronicles, Showdown with the Shepherd, Problems in Plymouth, and The Fight for Kidsboro are all now available for preorder at the Focus Store
The Fight for Kidsboro Official Cover
April 29, 2011
Today, we have our first look at the cover of the upcoming release of The Fight for Kidsboro! The cover illustration of this book was done by the artist for the audio series, Gary Locke. Also, we now know that when this book becomes available this September, fans can purchase it in both print and e-book formats.
The Green Ring Conspiracy, Part 8 and More Art
April 30, 2011
If you haven't already seen it, Brock Eastman has released a video where he discusses 5 upcoming repacks for Odyssey albums. You can check it out here.
Also, today our journey into the exciting Green Ring Conspiracy continues with part 8!
- Eugene and Katrina try to get information from Buck while Connie learns about Dr. Trask's religious group. In his search for Monty, Whit learns more about Agent Tanner and the Stilletto.
After you've heard the episode, come back here to rate the episode and help fill any details that may be missing on the episode page.
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