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AIOWiki Podcast #21
December 29, 2019
Four reviewers at once take on “The Toy” in this edition of the AIOWiki Podcast. Hannah Morgan joins Lee, Arista, and Gracie to discuss Phil Lollar’s first episode in Album 65. Among the topics discussed are Connie’s character development, Wooton’s mental health, and Lee’s annoyance at the Adventures in Odyssey Club.



AIOWiki Podcast #20
December 22, 2019
As the team continues the review of Album 65: Expect the Unexpected, things get a little off-script for the review of “The Sandwich Initiative.” Arista, Lee, and Gracie discuss the voices of the Parkers, how substantial an episode about a sandwich can be, and getting swamped in flies (among other things).



AIOWiki Podcast #19
December 15, 2019
Today on the AIOWiki Podcast, fellow Odyssey fan Gracie Marchiani joins Arista and Lee for a fun review of “Divided We Fall.”



AIOWiki sponsors The Seneca Awards
July 15, 2019

The Audio Theatre Central Seneca Awards™ is an annual awards show to recognize excellence in the world of family-friendly audio drama.​ AIOWiki is a proud sponsor this year, thanks to a generous donation from OdysseyFan. The live awards broadcast will be on Friday, July 26th, 2019 at 10:00pm EST/7:00pm Pacific.


What did you think of "Rightly Dividing"?
July 11, 2019
Update: The reviews pages are open for the rest of the episodes in Album 67. See here for all available pages.

If you're an AIO Club member, then you've likely had the chance to hear #874: “Rightly Dividing”, which was released this week. What did you think of it? You can submit your review here.

The rest of Album 67 will be released over the next 5 Tuesdays, with #879: “Nightmares by Constance, Part 2” finishing the Album on August 13.


Vote in the Avery Awards!
June 8, 2019
You can now vote in the Avery Awards! For those of you who don't know, the Avery Awards is an awards ceremony dedicated to celebrating the best in Odyssey as chosen by the fans! You can vote here. After you vote, why not check out the history of the Avery Awards? Links below.


AIOWiki Podcast #18
June 2, 2019
Fun is the order of the day on this interim edition of the AIOWiki Podcast! No reviews, no interviews, just a look forward to the next podcasts, and a peek into the hilarity of Lee and Arista … while redoing the Get in the Show! scripts.



Album 67 correction
April 15, 2019
Several of the episodes we had listed for Album 67 were made up by a fan and will not be a part of the upcoming album. We've removed these false episodes and updated our episode lists. We apologize it took us so long to correct the errors.
Album 67 Cover Released!
March 10, 2019
The cover for the upcoming Album 67 has been released! To see it, along with information about its title and episodes, and for pre-order information, see Album 67.
Have You Heard the AIOWiki Podcast?
March 02, 2019
Even if you haven't, we'd still appreciate your feedback! We don't get a lot of feedback about the AIOWiki Podcast, so we've made a poll for you to fill out. If you're reading this and know anything about the podcast (or even if you don't), please take the time to respond! We'd appreciate it.

UPDATE: We have 23 responses so far! Can we get to 25 responses? Thanks to everyone who's submitted feedback!


START_WIDGET"'-1d358906d2465711END_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 324
February 27, 2019
Writer-director Kathy Buchanan and sound designer Christopher Diehl journey to Africa (in one case, literally) for the latest Club exclusive adventure In a Sun-Scorched Land. Plus, hear a preview of Between Camp and a Hard Place, Part 1.


AIOWiki Podcast #17
January 20, 2019
Today’s edition of the AIOWiki Podcast, a review of “Not What I Expected,” explores an important question: can an episode be reviewed by people outside the target audience? Lee and Arista give their opinions and interpretations about the fifth episode in Album 65.



AIOWiki Podcast #16
January 13, 2019
Lee and Arista return to episode reviews with a look at Album 65, starting with “The Shame About Fame.” They discuss the newest main character, Olivia and Zoe’s friendship, enthusiastic music, and clincher statements.
