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Merry Christmas
December 25, 2015

AIOWiki wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Happy Thanksgiving
November 26, 2015
AIOWiki would like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving. Take time today to thank God for the many ways he has blessed you and your family.
Whit Challenges Dude Perfect to a trick shot battle
November 19, 2015

Whether he’s inventing a new machine to teach about the Bible, sharing wisdom with the kids at Whit’s End, or behind the counter making a World Famous Chocolate Soda, John Avery Whittaker is a man of many diverse talents. And if there’s one thing that Whit has never been, it’s predictable. Whit is always creating new ways to engage with kids and get them excited to learn about God.

So what’s he up to now? Whit’s latest adventure may be as surprising as he is.

Whit is challenging the mascot of DudePerfect to a trick shot battle. Who is DudePerfect? They’re a great group of guys who have become famous by making videos of themselves doing hundreds of amazing and innovative trick shots. Every once in a while the Dude Perfect mascot, Panda, takes a few trick shots of his own. Will Whit’s challenge to their mascot be answered? Only time will tell.

In the meantime, enjoy seeing another side of everyone’s favorite ice cream emporium keeper.

Watch a video here, and spread the word using #WhitPerfect!
Voyage with the Vikings Audiobook
November 11, 2015
A couple months ago, the first Imagination Station book, Voyage with the Vikings, was added to the Odyssey Adventure Club as an audiobook read by Bob Hoose. It is now available as a download from Christianbook. If you don't have the OAC, here is your chance to hear it.
Voyage with the Vikings Audiobook.PNG
Back Cover Images
November 9, 2015
New images of the back covers of Volumes 7, 12, 13, 14, 38 and 42 have been released. Take a look.
07back.jpg 12back.jpg 13back.jpg 14back.jpg 38back.jpg



Album 60 now available for Pre-order!
October 16, 2015
Album 60: Head Over Heels is now available for pre-order! This album will follow the standard introduced by Taking the Plunge of having six episodes. CBD has a pre-order bargain, so if you pre-order it, you will get a copy for only $10.00! Pre-order a copy here!



The John Avery Whittaker Award!
October 13, 2015

Focus on the Family has just announced a new contest/award! For the contest, people name others who have played a "Mr. Whittaker" role in the entrant's life. The winners receive prize packs starting every day from November 1st, and the Grand Prize winner who will be announced November 20 receives a $500+ prize pack! The award will be annual, and the deadline is October 31. For full details, go here or here.


Album 59 Available on CD
July 29, 2015

Album #59: Taking the Plunge has officially been released on CD! The album contains 6 episodes instead of the 12, setting a new standard for future series albums. Click here to order a copy of Album 59 on Amazon. The album has also been released on the Odyssey Adventure Club and is available for digital download on iTunes and Amazon.


Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 3
July 22, 2015

Today recording started for episodes in Odyssey Adventure Club: Season 3. Behind the scenes details were released on the Odyssey Facebook page, including two episode titles! The album page has been updated with these episode titles and episode pages have been created with cast and crew information that has been released. So far the Odyssey team has not revealed any major spoilers.


Celebrating 200,000 Edits!
July 11, 2015
Today we reached an exciting milestone on AIOWiki. This afternoon at 12:56 PM CST, the user Erwin Springer made Adventures in Odyssey Wiki's 200,000th edit! Click here to read more about this event. To help us celebrate, comment below with what you like about AIOWiki!
Album 60 Title and Art!
July 10, 2015
Today we learned the title of the next Odyssey album release: Album #60: Head Over Heels. Album 60 will be available on the Odyssey Adventure Club in December, for digital download in February 2016, and on CD in March 2016. Tentative cover art from Tyndale is shown below. Based on the cover, what do you think this album will be about? Comment below, but please avoid giving any spoilers about Album 59.
Update: The album summary has been added to the album page.

Update: The titles of the episodes have been added the album page.
Album 59
July 01, 2015
The final cover art images for Album #59: Taking the Plunge have arrived! Click below to view them in their full resolution glory! Album 59 has been released in the Odyssey Adventure Club and will be available on CD on August 1. Pre-order your copy today!
Update: Album 59 is now available for digital download on iTunes and Amazon!
59front.jpg 59back.jpg
Album 59 Episode Title
March 27, 2015
The AIOFansite has revealed the title of the first episode of Album 59: #777: “First Things First”. What do you think this episode will be about? Comment below.