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AIOWiki Podcast #30
November 22, 2020
Since 2017, the AIOWiki Podcast has grown from an experimental mixture of news and reviews to one of the most popular Adventures in Odyssey fan podcasts. Now, after three-and-a-half years of views, reviews, news, and interviews, the podcast has come to an end. Lee and Arista reflect on the past thirty editions and all that happened behind the scenes in this final edition of the AIOWiki Podcast.



AIOWiki Podcast Announcement
November 15, 2020

The final edition of the AIOWiki Podcast will be released on November 22, 2020. We appreciate your patience over these past few months (and years, for that matter) with regard to the erratic release schedule of the podcast. This final edition will be a retrospective of the 3.5 years of the AIOWiki Podcast, and is approximately 40 minutes long.


AIOWiki Podcast #29
August 22, 2020
For the first time in the history of AIO fan podcasting, the review of an Odyssey episode is joined by the writer himself. Phil Lollar returns to devote another three hours to the AIOWiki Podcast, this time breaking down the behind-the-scenes of “The Rydell Revelations, Part 3.” Lee and Ryan barrage him with clarifications, nitpicks, and questions, which eventually leads to the one question left hanging from the three-parter: “Is all of that… good?”



AIOWiki Podcast #28
August 9, 2020
With Arista absent for this edition of the AIOWiki Podcast, Ryan Matlock jumps in to review with Lee the penultimate Rydell Saga episode, “The Rydell Revelations, Part 2.” How good is this continuation of the previous part? The two reviewers pore over all aspects of the episode, including the biggest plot twist and its implications for an earlier, unresolved mystery.



AIOWiki Podcast #27
July 21, 2020
The end begins here. The Morrie Rydell Saga is finally finishing, and Lee and Arista are ready with the 27th AIOWiki Podcast, the review of “The Rydell Revelations, Part 1.” Without hearing the other two parts, is this episode a worthy impetus for the conclusion? Spoilers abound as we find out.



AIOWiki Sponsors the 2020 ATC Seneca Awards
July 18, 2020

The AIOWiki is proud to be a sponsor for the 3rd Annual Audio Theatre Central Seneca Awards™. The Senecas is an awards program to recognize excellence in family-friendly audio drama. Adventures in Odyssey has been nominated for awards in the following categories: Best Cover Art, Best Script, Best Leading Actor, Best Short Form Audio Drama, Best Long Form Audio Drama. This year’s awards will be held on July 24, 2020 at 7 PM Pacific / 10 PM Eastern. For more information, visit


AIOWiki Podcast #26
July 13, 2020
There’s a lot of humming on this edition of the AIOWiki Podcast, as we see how long Phil Lollar can go without spoiling anything about the Rydell Saga in Part II of the interview. Aside from Lee’s grilling him about Morrie, Phil shares about covering hard topics on Odyssey, the story around “One-in-Ten,” his relationships with the actors and other crew members, the themes behind “The Rydell Revelations,” and how Joss Whedon’s “Angel” is representative of Phil’s existential worldview.



AIOWiki Podcast #25
July 13, 2020
As the release of “The Rydell Revelations” approaches, Phil Lollar joins the AIOWiki Podcast (along with Grayson Smith!) for an extensive interview about everything to do with everything. In Part I of this three-and-a-half-hour podcast, Phil talks about his general history as a writer on Odyssey, tips for writing and critiquing, how characters are written onto and off of the show, and much more — plus a “Lightning Round” of random trivia about Phil.



AIOWiki Podcast #24
July 8, 2020
No nonsense this time on the AIOWiki Podcast as Lee and Arista fully unpack the episode “Further from the Truth.” Coming from an objective standpoint, the two reviewers discuss whether the episode was a worthy successor to “A Sacrificial Escape.” Emily’s emotions and maturity, Whit’s inside knowledge, Morrie’s portrayal, and Suzu’s possible guilt all factor in to the discussion in this review.


More Album 69 Information and Album 70 Cover Released

July 02, 2020
We have a new summary for Album 69 along with the official summary for every episode, and some new crew information. Check out Album 69: Best Kept Secrets.

Also, we now have the cover for Album 70: Finding a Way. To check that out click here.


AIOWiki Podcast #23
June 30, 2020
Settle in for the longest review on the AIOWiki Podcast yet. Arista, Izak, and Lee are back to talk about the next chapter (and Lee’s favorite) in the Rydell Saga, “A Sacrificial Escape.” Yet one of the reviewers doesn’t share the enthusiasm for this critically-acclaimed episode.… The team discusses Whit’s acting, the reason for the escape room’s existence, expectations, and Morrie’s come-uppance.



AIOWiki Podcast #22
June 7, 2020
At long last, the review of Album 65: Expect the Unexpected concludes with “The Good in People.” Izak joins Lee and Arista to break down the fourth episode in the album, also the fourth in the Rydell Saga. Discussed in the review are Olivia’s disrespectfulness, goofs-that-aren’t-goofs, sound design quirks, and a bit of fanboyance.



AIO Listening Party on April 1st
March 30, 2020
On April 1st, the official AIO Facebook page will host a live listening party of the first 6 episodes of the Rydell Saga. Tune in at 2:00 pm MDT (4:00 pm EST, 1:00 pm PST) to hear the following episodes:

1. Parker for President
2. The Key Suspect
3. The Secret of the Writer's Ruse
4. The Good in People
5. A Sacrificial Escape
6. Further From the Truth

Keep listening after the episodes, to hear a special preview of the first episode of Album 69. Read the blog post on
Album 69 Name and Episode Titles
March 03, 2020
We have the official name, summary and episode titles for this fall's Album 69, those who want to read about it can do so on the Album page.