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Zappazoids Logo Official.png
The Evil Slime-Zoids from the planet Zapp have invaded our Solar System, and it's our duty to stop 'em!

Jimmy Barclay, A Good and Faithful Servant

Zapazoids (sometimes spelled Zappazoids or Zapazoid or even Zap-A-Zoid) is a space-flight simulator video game series that was later made into a movie and TV show. The game has been mentioned by many early characters, including Jimmy Barclay, Curt Stevens, and Isaac Morton. Zapazoids is a fairly common extra in Adventures in Odyssey.

Known Versions

Video Game

  • 1.0 (Original)
  • 2.0
  • 3.0 (Home Version)
  • 3.0 (Arcade Version)
  • 3.7 (Comes with Turbo Thrusters, Hydraulic Drive, and Bionic Overload.)
  • 3.9 (Mobile Version, 2 players via online connection)


  • Season 1 on DVD - $39.99 (rated "G")

Episode References

This might be an incomplete list. You can help by adding more entries.

Pictures of Zapazoids
