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Upcoming Album Artwork & New Features
March 02, 2010
We've updated the release schedule for the upcoming repacks with the latest info from FOTF, you can view the estimated release dates here.

Also, we can expect to see five albums with new art from Gary Locke sometime this year (albums 23, 26, 29, 34 and 52), while the remaining new releases will feature existing art that's been re-framed to use a splash background. There's a rumor that out of the four old albums getting new artwork (23, 26, 29 and 34), three of them will be totally new and the other will feature a wedding that has just been re-stylized.

In other news we apologize for our recent downtime over the last 2 days, work was being done upgrading and installing new new features and options to the wiki, things should be fully functional and operational once again.


April Schedule & Album 51 Episode Summaries
March 03, 2010
We've updated the Schedule with episodes that are going to air in April. We've also added summaries for four more episodes of Album 51.
An All New Adventure
March 06, 2010

At last, the long anticipated premiere of the Spring 2010 Season of Adventures in Odyssey has finally arrived. Our last adventure in Odyssey stopped nearly two years ago, as we heard Connie press the red button on Whit’s newest invention, the Inspiration Station—and the adventure stopped for 1 year, nine months, and twenty days. After the longest hiatus in AIO history, we finally embark on a new adventure, a new discovery, a new journey, a new flight as our imaginations soar into that fictional world of Odyssey. As we each step into our own proverbial Imagination Stations, we wonder, “What will this trip to Odyssey bring? What lessons will we learn? What experiences will we come away with? What will have changed?” Time will tell. But we know this: whatever happens, it’s going to be quite an adventure—it has been from the very beginning. So buckle your seatbelts, and do as Whit told Connie, “Push the red button, (If you dare).” And let the adventure begin...


START_WIDGET"'-16c0d3ec19688d0dEND_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 90
March 09, 2010
Andre Stojka talks about joining the Odyssey family and shares his story. Plus, hear a preview of “The Inspiration Station, Part 2


Album Five Teaser Cover
March 10, 2010
We have received a teaser image for the re-framed cover of Album 05: Daring Deeds, Sinister Schemes, and it can be seen here. The original illustration by Gary Locke had the barn, Whit, and the hill with Dr. Blackgaard standing on top. This can be seen on the tape version. For the CD, it was cropped and only had the bottom half of the image, with Whit and the barn. This new cover has had the hill moved down, so it is directly behind Whit.

Also, don't forget about the Act Like Odyssey Contest. You must send your entry by mail to Focus on the Family and have it postmarked by March 31st.


Album Clues & New Artwork
March 13, 2010
We have received yet another teaser image. It contains clues about albums 51, 52, and 53. After taking a close look, post your finds on this thread at the Town of Odyssey, or if you do not have a ToO account, post here.

The final artwork for Arin's Judgment has been released, and, as expected, the only thing changed were the AIO logo and the scroll removed from behind Arin's Judgment.


Wooton's Random Ramblings
March 19, 2010
Torry Martin, creator of Wooton Bassett, has released a new "Random Ramblings" blog post, including a new illustration of Wooton.

I have to get some thoughts out of my mind to make room for new ones.

Also, Album 51: Take it From the Top is now shipping, and the third edition of Darien's Rise will be available very soon.
March 20, 2010
Clutter, the third episode of Adventures in Odyssey's long-awaited 2010 season is now available to listen to online and on the radio

Find out what happens when David Parker declares that his family is going to have a yard sale sfter nearly being mauled by the junk in his own garage. Will the entire Parker family survive parting with their treasures? Go to the Focus on the Family Media Player to listen to it online, or tune in on your local radio station.

Once you've heard the episode, be sure to visit the episode page to rate it and help fill in details.

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Update: The devotional for this show has now been released. Click here to read it.
START_WIDGET"'-59f8e0105d747c31END_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 91
March 23, 2010
Christopher Maselli talks about crafting the Emily and Matthew mystery stories in Clubhouse Magazine. Bob and Jesse hear more fan calls in the “Your Chance to be on Adventures in Odyssey Contest.” Fans answer the question, “How does Connie inspire me?”

The Inspiration Station, Part 2

March 13, 2010
After waiting one long week, "The Inspiration Station, Part 2" is now available online and will soon will be hitting the airwaves! This is the second episode of Adventures in Odyssey's long-awaited 2010 season.

Find out what happens to Connie as she starts spending more time in Whit's latest invention - The Inspiration Station! And see what Matthew Parker decides to do with his dilema. Go to the Focus on the Family Media Player to listen to it online, or tune in on your local radio station.

Once you've heard the episode, be sure to visit the episode page to rate it and help fill in details.

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