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Album 54 and a new Poll
June 01, 2011
Thanks to the latest Official Podcast we now have a complete list of the episodes that are airing this fall, you can see the complete list at our Album 54 page. If you have any questions about 54 or 53 The Whit's End podcast is having a special interview with Paul McCusker this summer, you have until June 30th to send in any questions that you'd like to ask.

In other news we finally have a new poll up, this time we're asking how you think the new albums compare to ones from the past. You can submit your vote here. In our last poll we asked you what book series you would most like to see continued. It ended up being fairly close but the Passages series won with 44% the Kidsboro series was close behind with 34%.


START_WIDGET"'-17d472fb7de58d27END_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 123
June 15, 2011
When the Green Ring Art Conte$t entries go missing, Jesse recruits a team of savvy crime fighters to find them. Along the way, they discover a trail that leads to a familiar conclusion. Plus, see the crazy lengths that the sound designers go to get just the right sounds for Mr. Skint’s truck in album 53.
Album downloads on sale

June 19, 2011
The Canadian download store is currently having a sale on all album downloads, instead of the normal $15 to download an album the price has been dropped to only $10. You can check out the sale here be sure to hurry though, these prices won't last forever.
June 20, 2011
Brock Eastman, Product Manager for Focus on the Family, tells about his job and past experiences working with AIO. He also discusses his work on the Official Adventures in Odyssey Podcast and meeting the Duggar family from the reality TV show, 19 Kids and Counting. He also discusses info regarding album 54 of Adventures in Odyssey. His interview can be found at the Odyssey Scoop.
If you still want to send in questions for the upcoming interview with Paul McCuscker you'd better hurry, time's running out, you can find contact info at The Whit's End Podcast
June 24, 2011

As of yet, no one has entered the Odyssey Scoop's FreezeFrame Photo Contest. The deadline is June 30th, so start on your entry now!


START_WIDGET"'-ec6d9efe877e1e0fEND_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 124
June 29, 2011
Paul McCusker and Dave Arnold answer questions about returning characters, including Buck, Jason, Mr. Grote, and Detective Polehaus, plus a preview of album 54! Dave and Paul answer your questions, including “Will Buck ever come back?” “Where do the ideas come from?” “How long have you been growing a beard?!” Plus, hear the very first preview of Album 54:Clanging Cymbals and the Meaning of God’s Love!