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Polls & Album 52 Ratings
October 01, 2010
The results of our September poll have been released and a resounding 62% of you are looking forward to the season opener The Mystery of the Clock Tower, 1 and 2 the most. This month's question is "Will you buy Album 52?". To vote, see our poll page.
In other news, the rating section on episodes in Album 52 has been opened up. We encourage you to rate the episodes as you listen to them.
Album 52 Premiere!
October 02, 2010
Today the first episode of Album 52: Cause and Effect, The Mystery of the Clock Tower, Part 1 airs on the radio! After listening, be sure to rate the episode and help us fill in any missing details on the episode page.
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Downloadable Episodes & New Imagination Station Book
October 04, 2010
Today FOTF launched a new way to buy episodes! Now you can buy and download mp3's of the episodes straight from the Family Store website. You can download a whole album for $17.49 or a single episode for $1.99.
The newest episode #667: “The Mystery of the Clock Tower, Part 1” is already up on the site so it looks like they'll have episodes available right after they air. We've started working on linking to these pages on episode pages. Most pages will have a link within the coming days.
Recently as well, the title of the last book in the Imagination Station book series has been revealed. It's called Revenge of the Red Knight will come out in May 2011.
Also, the cover for the next radio series sampler (The Jones and Parker Detective Agency) has been released, you can see it on the right.
Album 53 Summary!
October 05, 2010
Album 53, the Green Ring Conspiracy, is available for preorder on CBD, which means that they've also posted a summary of the album:
“ | First, a backpack filled with money is found in Gower's Field; then, a mysterious man survives a nearby plane crash; and an underworld errand boy has possession of a special cell phone. This new adventure puts your kids' favorite Odyssey characters at the center of intrigue, suspense, and a scheme of international proportions! | ” |
preorder here
START_WIDGET"'-2b601fe62df1a61fEND_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 105
October 06, 2010
Jesse steps out of a wardrobe with a story about Focus on the Family Radio Theatre being back on the air, a new series of books on the Imagination Station, and a preview of album 52! Come along!
November Schedule
October 07, 2010
We've posted the schedule for November, you can see it here.
Also, we apologize for the poor performance that our site has had recently, our web host was moving things around and the site was slow and prone to crash. We seem to be back to normal now though.
Downloadable Episode Links Update
October 08, 2010
All of the episodes from albums 1-52 now have a link to the Family Store where you can now purchase episode MP3s for $1.99. A big thanks goes to Stop Wooton Around for completing this time consuming task.
Episode Previews
October 13, 2010
We've now added the promos from the family store site to each episode page, this should help to serve as a quick audio reminder to help find that episode that you're looking for. The clips will be showing up on the season and album pages over the next day or so as our server re-caches the data. Thanks to Nathan Hoobler for helping us with this.
Passages and Album 53
October 14, 2010
FOTF is asking for endorsements for the last two Passages books, so if you want to get your name in one of the books now is the time. You can find full details of how to submit an endorsement here. While you're there look extra close at the image and you may see something, something from the future... On the topic of the future Paul McCusker recently returned from a recording session for the last 6 episodes in Album 53.
Also don't forget to fill out the survey for the 25th anniversary celebration coming up, you can fill it out here
October 19, 2010
FOTF has released a new Christmas Collection, it's called Ultimate Christmas Collection. It's only available by download at their store here. It contains 24 Christmas episodes for $34, but buy quickly if you're interested, it may be a limited time offer.
Also, books one and two in Imagination Station series are back from printing and should be available everywhere soon. Books three and four are still on schedule for a spring 2011 release and books five through eight are in discussion.
START_WIDGET"'-0815ec99a65ba9edEND_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 106
October 20, 2010
Author Marianne Hering talks about the Imagination Station books and shares stories from editing the Official Guide. Hear Bob and Jesse share previews of this weekend’s show “Stage Fright” and a special online feature called a Clickbook.
Also there's talk going around that Brock Eastman will be writing book 5 in the Imagination Station series, currently scheduled for release next year.
Free Episode
October 27, 2010
The recent episode #669: “Wooton’s Broken Pencil Show” is now available at the family store as a free download. Click here for more info. This is a limited time offer though so don't delay downloading as only the first 5200 people will get it for free. As always, you can check out a complete list of free episodes at Available Episodes.
Interviews, Interviews and more Interviews!
October 30, 2010
Over the past few months we've been busy hunting and collecting as many past interviews with Cast and Crew that we could find, and putting them all into one place for easy reading. There are currently 49 interviews that we've found and we'll continue to add to them as more take place. Eventually we plan on providing written transcripts for all the audio interviews out there, but we're not quite ready yet.
A big thanks goes to all of the people who have conducted interviews over the years, including, The Unofficial Adventures in Odyssey Podcast, The Odyssey Scoop, Adventures in Odyssey Head Quarters, The Town of Odyssey, The Soda Fountain, and The Whit's End Podcast and many more...
In the section, you'll find two recent interviews with Nathan Hoobler from earlier this month, where he discusses albums 53, 54, and 55! (You can find a list of spoilers on the 2011 and 2012 Season pages.)
No matter how long you've been a fan of Adventures in Odyssey, there's sure to be at least one interview that you've never come across before, so take a look.