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New cover of Glennall's Betrayal!
September 21, 2010
The new cover of Glennall's Betrayal, Paul McCusker's fourth installment in his Passages book series, has been released! This leaves only two books from the series needing new covers. See it close up here.

Also, the latest word on Album 53 is that Paul McCusker has finished the writing process for all 12 episodes.
New Poll and August results
September 01, 2010
The first monthly poll here at the wiki has come to a close, we had 43 users vote in it. You can check out the poll results here, while you're there vote on our new poll to see what's the most anticipated episode of the upcoming season.
September 04, 2010

We're pleased to introduce a new feature here at AIOWiki, you can now comment and discuss news items with others. You'll now notice a link under each news post that list the number of comments, when you click on it you'll go to a specific page for that news item where you can see what others have to say about the post. Enjoy!


Annison's Risk repack
September 06, 2010

The cover art for the repack of the 3rd book in the Passages series is now available. You can see it here.


Album 52 Giveaway
September 07, 2010
For our second ever contest, we're giving away one copy of the upcoming Album 52 and one copy of the Novacom Saga collection. The contest will remain open until September 17th 2010, with the winners being announced on the 20th. For full details and entry form see this page. Good Luck!
A Test for Robyn
September 08, 2010

The partnership between Thriving Family and Focus on the Family has brought us yet another free episode. This time it's #170: “A Test for Robyn” and can be downloaded here. To view all episodes available for listening and downloading, see Available Episodes.


START_WIDGET"'-e5ba08366fa11701END_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 103
September 09, 2010
On the 103rd Official Podcast, we recieve another free episode, this time it's #391: “The Joke's on You” and it includes a special segment with Duane Harms afterwords. This, along with yesterday's update, brings the total number of free episodes available for download up to 30. You can see the complete list here.

Odyssey ScoopCast

September 14, 2010

On the 9th edition of the ScoopCast, Kevin interviews sound designers for Album 52: Nathan Jones and Christopher Diehl. Keep following the ScoopCast to hear the rest of this interview over the next few editions.


Album 52 News
September 16, 2010

The back cover of album 52, as well as the back of Annison's Risk has now been released. Also, album 52 arrived at the Tyndale warehouse yesterday so it should be available for purchase within a few weeks. We've also learned about a bonus feature that will be in the album, a video glimpse into sound effect recording in the Foley Studio. The official site has also been updated with a few tidbits from the album, you can see their page here. Lastly, there's a new promo for 52 which can be heard below.

Our Album 52 Giveaway ends tommorrow!


Album 52 and new art
September 17, 2010

Today is the last day to enter our contest to win a copy of Album 52, if you haven't entered yet, you can do so here. Also we have a shortened version of the third promo for the upcoming album 52 which you can check out below; be sure to check back tomorrow to hear the fourth and final promo.

We also have not one but two new illustrations by Gary Locke. The modified artwork for Album 01: The Adventure Begins, and completely re-illustrated artwork for the repack of Album 05: Daring Deeds, Sinister Schemes have been uploaded. Let us know what you think in the comments. For more information on the album repack project, see Album art changes. There are also rumors that the cover for Album 53 has been finished, keep checking back to see it when it becomes available.
Last Album 52 Preview
September 18, 2010
Today we're pleased to release the last of the 4 promos for album 52, it can be heard below. This preview features a more in depth preview of the season opener, #667: “The Mystery of the Clocktower, Part 1”.

The Album 52 Giveaway contest has now come to a close. There were an impressive 177 people who entered. Check back on Monday for correct answers and winners. If you missed it yesterday, take a look at the new Album 01 and 05 repacks.
Album 52 giveaway
September 20, 2010
Well, the contest has come to a close. We had 176 people enter to win, congratulations goes to:

For full details on the contest and answers to the bonus questions, see the contest page. If you didn't win, don't feel too bad, this isn't the last contest that we have planned... you never know when our next one might show up.

Once again, a big thanks goes to Tyndale House Publishers for providing these valuable prizes. If you haven't purchased them yet, you can buy Album 52 here and the Novacom set here.


START_WIDGET"'-78ed3d65957faef7END_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 104
September 22, 2010
On the 104th Official Podcast, Jesse interviews Sydney Shiotani, voice of Camilla Parker, the youngest guest ever on the podcast. Also, hear an exclusive clip of #667: “The Mystery of the Clocktower, Part 1” and a trivia tidbit about Album 52: Cause and Effect.

Album 52 Summaries

September 23, 2010
The rest of the episode summaries for Album 52 have been released!

Also, the ScoopCast has released the 3rd part of the interview with Album 52 sound designers. It includes a scene from #675: “A Thankstaking Story”.
The Jones and Parker Sampler
September 29, 2010
We've learned a bit more about the next sampler to be released, it's called The Jones and Parker Detective Agency. It will include the episode #658: “Game for a Mystery” from last season and #670: “Stage Fright” from the upcoming season. To see more visit the sampler page
Trick or Treasure
September 10, 2010
FOTF Canada has a special offering up for Halloween, instead of handing out candy you can hand out copies of The Underground Railroad sampler. They have a discounted price where you can get 10 copies for $10 or 15 for $14, a big savings compared to the normal cost of $3 each. Shipping isn't available to the US but most of the rest of the world is. Even if you don't give stuff out at Halloween it could be a great Christmas gift for friends and family. Hurry though orders must be placed before October 12.
Jonathan Crowe update
September 13, 2010

The doctor said that the fractured vertibrae are in the correct alignment for healing. The c1 and c2 breaks seem to be okay, but there's no telling yet if they will knit properly. If they don't, they'll have to fuse them. The doctor gave him clearance to come BACK TO WORK perhaps as early as next week! Is our God not amazing our what?!

— AIO Facebook page

Album 52

September 15, 2010

The first promo for Album 52 has been released, you can check it out at the album page or below.