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New Artwork
September 01, 2009
The new cover art for album 51 and the reframed version of album 43 have been released. For more information on the repackaging project see here. Only seven left until all the albums are drawn by Gary Locke and are properly framed.
September 04, 2009
A new summary for Album 51: Take it From the Top has been put added, and the official site is having a new contest.
Ultimate Passages Fan Scavenger Hunt
September 05, 2009

All of us from AIO Wiki, Odyssey Scoop, and The Unofficial Podcast would like to congratulate Erin S., our grand prize winner. She will receive a free copy of the audio adaptation of Passages: Darien's Rise. For more info see here.


Schedule, Official Podcast Contest, and Official Podcast 77
September 10, 2009

The schedule for November 2009 is now fully up, the contest to have your voice on an upcoming episode is coming to a close (see here for more details), and 77th official podcast has come out. Listen!


Darien's Rise
September 11, 2009
Darien's Rise is now shipping from CBD. If you've pre-ordered you should be receiving it very soon, and if you order it now, it should show up in a few days.
Rating System
September 11, 2009
We are pleased to announce that anonymous users are now able to vote on episode ratings.
Darien's Rise, Part 1
September 19, 2009

Darien's Rise, Part 1 airs today and can be heard here. After listening please rate the episode.


Official Podcast 78
September 23, 2009
Jim Cummings, voice of King Lawrence in Darien's Rise and voice-over legend talks about his background, unusual projects, and playing an insane person. Listen!
News feed
September 24, 2009
Want a more efficient way to catch up on AIO news? Now you can subscribe to our news RSS feed. Subscribe here or copy the following link into your RSS reader:
Passages: Darien's Rise, Part 2

September 25, 2009
Passages: Darien's Rise, Part 2 has aired, and can be heard here. After listening visit the episode page where you can help us fill in the details and rate the episode. Also, the Odyssey Scoop has just posted a new interview with Marshal Younger, which can be found here.