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Official Podcast 52
September 24, 2008

Paul McCusker talks about The Truth Chronicles, a special new album. Hear a special preview clip, plus a surprise interview from the live show Listen!


In Hot Pursuit
September 23, 2008
The new cover art for album 41 has been released, it should be available sometime in November. For more information on the repackaging project see here
Bonus Official Podcast
September 16, 2008
In this episode of the official podcast Bob and Jesse review the Live show, talk to fans, and more. Listen!
New Logo
September 15, 2008
Over the last few weeks we have been looking for a new logo, today the contest concluded with Jacob Isom from the Odyssey Scoop submitting the winning design. A big thanks goes to all the people who took time to create a logo.
Here am I
September 13, 2008

The first episode of The Truth Chronicles is now available for download


The Truth Chronicles
September 11, 2008
This latest album of Adventures in Odyssey episodes is now available for ordering for FOTF.
Official Podcast 51
September 10, 2008
Chris and Sarah switch places with Bob and Jesse to host the latest edition of the official podcast. Listen!