Kathy Buchanan

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Kathy Buchanan
Other Websites
Episode Characters Played 9
Episode Appearances 13
Episodes Written 131
Episodes Directed 76
Episodes Produced 3
Books Written 7
Podcast Appearances 26
Documentary Appearances 1

Avery Award Winner!
Kathy Buchanan has won one Avery Awards for Best Script!
Odyssey awards.png


Kathy Buchanan (née Wierenga) received her Bachelor's Degree from Taylor University and a Master's in Biblical Counseling from Colorado Christian University. She has written ten books for children and teens, maintains a counseling practice, and has loved writing and directing for Odyssey for over fifteen years. In 2018, her Odyssey episode One More Name received the Audio Theatre Central Seneca Award for Best Script. She is known for saying the phrase that created the inside joke of "Mitch will marry Connie when cats become extinct" when she came on the podcast in 2010.

Kathy has authored two novels in *The Brio Series* for teenage girls: Double Exposure and Croutons For Breakfast, as well as one devotional for girls titled Want More?. Kathy is an aunt of two nieces and one nephew. Kathy lives in Colorado Springs with her three daughters Jaslyn, Maleah, and Isabella and two adopted sons Michel and Divin. She enjoys rock climbing, hiking, and camping. Kathy was married to Sean Buchanan until he passed away in August 2019 in a tragic motorcycle accident.


In addition to writing for Adventures in Odyssey, Kathy Buchanan also writes for Lamplighter Theater.

Pictures of Kathy Buchanan


Episodes Written (131) · Episodes Directed (76) · Episodes Produced (3) · Acting (13) · Characters (9) · Books (7) · Podcasts (26) · Documentaries (1)

Click one of the above tabs to see what Kathy Buchanan has done on Adventures in Odyssey.
Kathy Buchanan has written 131 episodes with an average rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes written by Kathy Buchanan }}%
Kathy Buchanan has directed 76 episodes with an average rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes directed by Kathy Buchanan }}%
Kathy Buchanan has produced 3 episodes with an average rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes produced by Kathy Buchanan }}%
Kathy Buchanan has appeared in 1 documentary
