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Official Podcast 410
Official Podcast 409 | Official Podcast 410 | Official Podcast 411 |
Farewell to Will Ryan
The Adventures in Odyssey cast and crew remembers Will Ryan (voice of Eugene Meltsner, Harlow Doyle, and others) who passed away on November 19, 2021. Voices include executive producer Dave Arnold, executive producer Chuck Bolte, writer/director Kathy Buchanan, actor Robby Bruce (voice of Buck), actor Townsend Coleman (voice of Jason), Focus on the Family president Jim Daly, sound designer Mark Drury, actor Jess Harnell (voice of Wooton), Focus on the Family Guest Relations director Diane Ingolia, co-creator Steve Harris, writer/director Nathan Hoobler, sound designer Rob Jorgensen, host Chris Anthony Lansdowne, actor Katie Leigh (voice of Connie), co-creator Phil Lollar, sound designer Bob Luttrell, executive producer Paul McCusker, actor Phil Proctor (voice of Detective Polehaus), actor Shona Rodman (voice of Jules), actor Andre Stojka (voice of Whit), and actor Audrey Wasilewski (voice of Katrina).
- This edition of the Official Podcast is missing a transcript, you can help by adding one
- 2022 Podcasts
- Audio Podcasts
- Podcasts with Bob Smithouser
- Podcasts with Jesse Florea
- Podcasts with Dave Arnold
- Podcasts with Chuck Bolte
- Podcasts with Kathy Buchanan
- Podcasts with Robby Bruce
- Podcasts with Townsend Coleman
- Podcasts with Jim Daly
- Podcasts with Mark Drury
- Podcasts with Jess Harnell
- Podcasts with Diane Ingolia
- Podcasts with Steve Harris
- Podcasts with Nathan Hoobler
- Podcasts with Rob Jorgensen
- Podcasts with Chris Anthony
- Podcasts with Katie Leigh
- Podcasts with Phil Lollar
- Podcasts with Bob Luttrell
- Podcasts with Paul McCusker
- Podcasts with Phil Proctor
- Podcasts with Shona Rodman
- Podcasts with Andre Stojka
- Podcasts with Audrey Wasilewski
- Official Podcasts
- Podcasts needing a transcript