Topic on Adventures in Odyssey Wiki:Town Hall2

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Reddo (talkcontribs)

It's that time again to update the wiki, I've run the update and checked a few things, most things seem to be working. Please report here anything that's broken and I'll do what I can to fix it.

  1. Check.svg Done collapsible animation is broken
  2. Check.svg Done categorygallery - replaced with new dpl templates
  3. Check.svg Done lua permissions
  4. Check.svg Done chart fonts - new graph extension can do some cool new things with this too
  5. Check.svg Done rating bar disable cache
  6. Check.svg Done side bar css
  7. Check.svg Done lua
  8. Check.svg Done new youtube extension
  9. Check.svg Done templateData to replace templateInfo
  10. Check.svg Done templateWizard allows us to make a gui for editing templates
Aiow (talkcontribs)

The styles on the collapsible headers in left nav are broken. See picture ( for what styles I disabled to get the underlines to display correctly. I expect there are some styles left over from older themes that are now conflicting with the new mediawiki install.

Aiow (talkcontribs)

Found an important one. Scribunto is broken so all our modules are not working. See Module:Foobar or Shona Rodman as an example.

Aiow (talkcontribs)

This error is much less important, but a bit odd. The Navigation popups gadget (you have to enable the gadget first) works but has an error. When hovering over the "most recent edit" button in the action menu an alert box come up that says: "This function of navigation popups now requires a MediaWiki installation with the API enabled." image of the bug However everything seems to work, after closing the alert, it does not reappear on the same page session. All the buttons have the correct links even the "most recent edit" button.

Aiow (talkcontribs)

Did a quick search and it appears like the error is from the wrong file permissions. [1], [2] I'd start looking there. (also sent you an email, because this is still not working).

Aiow (talkcontribs)

Yet another one... Trying to make the Nov clubhouse page I'm getting this error:

Internal error

[X9FX6@ZGqZexhypJIo@YVAAATBQ] /w/index.php?title=November_2020_Clubhouse_Magazine&action=submit Error from line 203 of /home/dh_aiowiki/ Call to undefined method Parser::disableCache()


#0 /home/dh_aiowiki/ W4GrbShowRatingBar(Parser, Title)
#1 /home/dh_aiowiki/ Parser->callParserFunction(PPTemplateFrame_Hash, string, array)
#2 /home/dh_aiowiki/ Parser->braceSubstitution(array, PPTemplateFrame_Hash)
#3 /home/dh_aiowiki/ PPFrame_Hash->expand(PPNode_Hash_Tree)
#4 /home/dh_aiowiki/ PageInCat::render(Parser, PPTemplateFrame_Hash, array)
#5 /home/dh_aiowiki/ Parser->callParserFunction(PPTemplateFrame_Hash, string, array)
#6 /home/dh_aiowiki/ Parser->braceSubstitution(array, PPTemplateFrame_Hash)
#7 /home/dh_aiowiki/ PPFrame_Hash->expand(PPNode_Hash_Tree)
#8 /home/dh_aiowiki/ Parser->braceSubstitution(array, PPFrame_Hash)
#9 /home/dh_aiowiki/ PPFrame_Hash->expand(PPNode_Hash_Tree, integer)
#10 /home/dh_aiowiki/ Parser->replaceVariables(string)
#11 /home/dh_aiowiki/ Parser->internalParse(string)
#12 /home/dh_aiowiki/ Parser->parse(string, Title, ParserOptions)
#13 /home/dh_aiowiki/ PageInCat::onEditPageGetPreviewContent(EditPage, WikitextContent)
#14 /home/dh_aiowiki/ MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookContainer->callLegacyHook(string, array, array, array)
#15 /home/dh_aiowiki/ MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookContainer->run(string, array)
#16 /home/dh_aiowiki/ MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner->onEditPageGetPreviewContent(EditPage, WikitextContent)
#17 /home/dh_aiowiki/ EditPage->getPreviewText()
#18 /home/dh_aiowiki/ EditPage->showEditForm()
#19 /home/dh_aiowiki/ EditPage->edit()
#20 /home/dh_aiowiki/ EditAction->show()
#21 /home/dh_aiowiki/ SubmitAction->show()
#22 /home/dh_aiowiki/ MediaWiki->performAction(Article, Title)
#23 /home/dh_aiowiki/ MediaWiki->performRequest()
#24 /home/dh_aiowiki/ MediaWiki->main()
#25 /home/dh_aiowiki/ MediaWiki->run()
#26 /home/dh_aiowiki/ wfIndexMain()
#27 {main}

So mediawiki 1.35 removed disableCache, which is obviously what is causing the error [1]. Now I have no idea why we've been able to create and edit pages for three weeks and this only shows up now...

Scientific Guy (talkcontribs)

Can't create page Kopfkino: A Hair, a Hedgehog, and a Doof. Nvm, I got it. I added {{{showRating}}} to the IEI Template because the wiki couldn't handle creating the page with the rating bar active. Possibly that's what's happening above.

Reddo (talkcontribs)

okay so I've tried fixing the rating bar extension, I'm the only maintainer of it so it's not as easy as downloading an update. I'll check back tomorrow to see if things have improved

Skylerbuck (talkcontribs)

The links to the actor's IMDB pages are broken in the staff infoboxes.

Also, I've noticed that Mabel is not showing up when creating new categories.

Scientific Guy (talkcontribs)
Reddo (talkcontribs)

I'll get working on that, hopefully it's an easy fix

Reddo (talkcontribs)

got part of the call extension working again, there's probably a few thinks still broken with it but I'll keep working on it

Aiow (talkcontribs)

The new template systems look very nice. Lots to explore there. On a completely different note, and just a small thing. Could you change the css for the hover tip? I want to be able to make the Template:Verse_hover work inline. (An example is on the talk page, should be inline, but mediawiki breaks the paragraphs around the div). Simply replacing the div in that template with a span would work if the styles were .tip span instead of div.tip span. The other two styles that would need to drop the div are div.tip:hover span, and div.tip:hover span::after. It is all the styles under the "/*nice looking hover boxes for character charts */" heading in the Common.css.

Again thanks for all the work you are doing updating everything.

Reddo (talkcontribs)

made those 3 changes to the css files, also made you an interface admin so you should be able to edit it now too if you desire further changes

OdysseyFan (talkcontribs)

[X@zuU7e21ObWsW3m-VIW2gAAEQw] /wiki/Special:ReplaceText Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError from line 1699 of /home/dh_aiowiki/ A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Reddo (talkcontribs)

congratulations you found a bug in the actual mediawiki software, not just something that I forgot to update. I've patched it and make sure that it gets fixed for future releases

OdysseyFan (talkcontribs)

Is there a bug Bounty we can claim?

Aiow (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the css changes and permission. I'm very excited for the new graph extension. I saw that you enabled it with interactive on, hurray! That will enable some awesome graphs. Imagine the album ratings with hover on each of the data points that shows the rating value, album art, ect. Lots to learn with vega, but boy this is great! Hovering over the graph to show the values is something I have wanted for years, but was impossible with the old pCharts. Interactive mode opens up a world of new possibilities.

Reddo (talkcontribs)

Yeah I'm excited about that too, also way cooler timelines, I'm sure there's other uses too but yes lots to learn

Aiow (talkcontribs)

So learning vega is hard. It is a real challenge to find v2 docs or examples. Vega v2 is now over 5 years old which makes nearly everything you find about vega incompatible. I have made some progress!

Reddo (talkcontribs)

yes It would be nice if they updated it to a more recent version, there's support tickets filed for upgrading but it doesn't look like much is happening on them. if it was just as easy as coping a couple js files over I'd do it no problem but there's a bit more than that going on. If work slows down I might take a look at it but it's not high on my list right now