Moment of Truth is the 48thAdventures in Odysseymainstream album. It was released in 2007.
Its episodes began airing on the radio starting on December 11, 1999 and finished on May 26, 2007.
Time's running out for Dalton Kearn as Eugene, Whit, and friends close in on the evidence needed to bring this evil man to justice. But they find a lot more than a criminal at trail's end! Long-buried secrets, deception and disguises, the ending no one saw coming... Everything's here including the breakthrough moment when decades-old mysteries finally make sense.
This album features the episode #434: “B-TV: Redeeming the Season”, an episode that had aired a full eight years before the rest of the episodes in the album. Without considering the episodes in The Gold Audio Series, this is the longest an episode has ever been delayed before being included in a series album.
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On the day of the Whit's End science fair, Eugene and Connie stage a contest to see which one is the better listener. Back in the Little Theater, Liz Horton gets frustrated when Trent won't listen to her instructions.
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Grady McKay learns a little more about grace from Mr. Whittaker, while Mandy's confidence is shaken when her separated parents grow even further apart.