Album 45b: Odditions

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Album 45b: Odditions
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{{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes in Album 45b: Odditions}}%
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Album 45b: Odditions


Could the newest singing sensation be found right here in Odyssey? The popular TV show "America Sings!" comes to small-town U.S.A. and naturally just about everyone who can carry a tune lines up to "oddition." But do Connie, Bart, Wooton, and Tamika have what it takes to be the last singer standing? On another note, a different competition heats up: Christmas gift giving! Will Connie and Eugene spare no expense when it comes to buying each other presents? Meanwhile, a former Bones of Rath gang member writes a scathing, tell-all book about the town with a squeaky-clean reputation: Odyssey!

Join the kids for music and mirth--plus lessons on grace, affirmation, and seeking God--in Adventures in Odyssey's Odditions. This is the second half (episodes 7 - 12) from Volume 45: Lost and Found.


Episode Original Airdate Writer Director Rating Buy Preview
#572: “Odyssey Sings!”
July 9, 2005
John Fornof
Marshal Younger
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When America Sings! comes to Odyssey, many hopeful singers line up to audition.

#579: “Always”
November 19, 2005
John Fornof
Bob Hoose
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Aubrey Shepard prepares to leave home for college, but her little sister, Bethany, doesn’t want her to go.

#580: “Tales of a Small-Town Thug”
December 3, 2005
Marshal Younger
Marshal Younger
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Everyone at Whit's End is in an uproar when a former Bones of Rath gang member writes a scathing book about Odyssey.

#581: “A Christmas Conundrum”
December 10, 2005
Kathy Buchanan
Marshal Younger
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Eugene, Tom, Connie, and Whit get confused over who's giving which Christmas present to whom.

#582: “Silent Night”
December 17, 2005
John Fornof
Bob Hoose
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At home alone on Christmas Eve, Whit remembers holidays past that were difficult--but still made for treasured family memories.

#583: “The Champ of the Camp”
January 28, 2006
Kathy Buchanan
Bob Hoose
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Connie narrates the story of her last year at summer camp and how she got stuck in the midst of the annual prank war at Camp Jumonville.

Album Writers

Writer Episode Number
572 579 580 581 582 583
John Fornof
Kathy Buchanan
Marshal Younger
Nathan Hoobler

