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Hey y'all, I'm EMEads! I have been listening to Odyssey since I was 3, and this wiki is really useful in helping me choose new episodes! I am so glad to be a part of it!

Info for Other Users

  • I really like minor edits, and if you find a really small thing you need edited, please contact me on my talk page.I
  • I agree with User:TigerShadow about literally everything on her page except
  • 1. Italian Soup
  • 2. Boy Bands
  • 3. My Little Pony
  • 4. Harry Potter
  • 5. Monnie\Citch (the Connie\Mitch ship)

Wooton's Name

  • I will be VERY ANGRY AT YOU 😠 if you spell Wooton's name incorrectly. Two Ohs, two Esses, two Tees. You WILL get it right, or you will FACE. MY. WRATH. Thanksies!


EMEads wants to live in

EMEads owns an Adventures in Odyssey Bible

EMEads listens to
Adventures in Odyssey.

Blackgaard Chronicles-art.jpg
EMEads is a huge Blackgaard fan

New Years Eve Live Tape.png
EMEads owns episodes that are on cassette tapes.

EMEads receives Clubhouse Magazine!

EMEads receives Clubhouse Magazine!

EMEads has made 100+ edits!


Admin Wannabe
EMEads wishes they were an Administrator

EMEads has heard Adventures in Odyssey
episodes that Phil Lollar hasn't!

EMEads has made 244 contributions to AIOWiki.

EMEads has been a member of AIOWiki since 2020.

Agent Brock.png
EMEads believes in AIO conspiracies.

Logo 2018.png
EMEads loves AIOWiki!

20th Anniversary Logo.svg
EMEads has listened to every episode of Adventures in Odyssey!

EMEads wants Connie kendall and Jason Whittaker to get married.

EMEads is a Geek.

EMEads is subscribed to the Official Podcast
Podcast podcastlogo.jpg

EMEads wants Richard Maxwell to return

EMEads is a huge fan of the Novacom saga


User:Iloveeugene made an great list of Weddings, Deaths, and Births. I think it needs to be updated a bit, so I'm putting it onto my page. If you see something incorrect, or something that needs to be added, please do!

Episode Groom Bride
#374: “For Whom The Wedding Bells Toll, Part 3” Jack Allen Joanne Woodston
#571: “For Better or for Worse, Part 2” Tom Riley Agnes
#571: “For Better or for Worse, Part 2” Eugene Meltsner Katrina Shanks
#622: “B-TV: Temptation” King Solomon Priscilla (b)
#806: “A Very Bassett Wedding, Part 2” Wooton Bassett Penny Wise

Episode Baby Mom Dad
#194: “A License to Drive” Connie Eugenia Mother of Connie Eugenia
#294: “Unto Us a Child Is Born” Stewart Reed Barclay Mary Barclay George Barclay
#727: “Your Servant is Listening” Samuel Hannah Elkanah
Episode Death Those Around
#319: “A Touch of Healing, Part 2” Mildred Kendall June Kendall, Connie Kendall
#334: “The Final Conflict” Regis Blackgaard? Jack Allen
#734: “Life Expectancy, Part 1” June Kendall Edith Sutton

I was going to make a list of conversions to Christianity, but it already exists.

Some Odyssey Stuff I Like

Here is a satire episode of AIO that explains some weird blips in the Odyssey storytelling method. [| The Pretty Normal Day].

Baby Bassett

I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want Penny and Wooton to have kids, and according to The Official Adventures in Odyssey Podcast, they probably will. *infinite screams of "yay!"* Here is a list of episodes where they *might* (might is the key word here, people) announce that they will be having kids.

Episodes of Odyssey That Are Racist or Sexist

If you find any, please add!