Pete Flanagan

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Information.png Pete Flanagan is one of 2,421 characters who have only appeared in one episode. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Pete Flanagan
Voiced by
Episode appearances
[[:Category:Characters who are {{{religion}}}s|{{{religion}}}]][[Category:Characters who are {{{religion}}}s]]
[[:Category:{{{type}}} Characters|{{{type}}}]][[Category:{{{type}}} Characters]]
Appeared in



John Whittaker: Since you don't have baseball anymore, I assume we'll see you in church this Sunday, huh?
Pete Flanagan: I don't know, Mr. Whittaker. You know the doctor wants me to rest the arm and all.
John Whittaker: Oh, I see. All that heavy hymnbook holding.

#240: “And the Glory”

Henry Thomas: You really think I'm a good pitcher?
Pete Flanagan: Well, with a little more discipline and tough practice schedule, I think you can be just as good, if not better than, say... my little sister?

#240: “And the Glory”

Pete Flanagan is voiced by Gabe Tigerman, has appeared in 1 episode.