Oliver Drevil

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Information.png Oliver Drevil is one of 2,421 characters who have only appeared in one episode. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Oliver Drevil
Voiced by
Episode appearances
[[:Category:Characters who are {{{religion}}}s|{{{religion}}}]][[Category:Characters who are {{{religion}}}s]]
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Oliver was the manager at the Odyssey Bank. He and his son, Andrew Drevil, tried to rob the bank, but were stopped by Eugene Meltsner and Whit.


See Drevil family.

His son is Andrew Drevil.


John Whittaker: That's my cell phone.
Connie Kendall: Sorry, that's mine. Excuse me.
John Whittaker: It's Eugene.
Connie Kendall: Mine's...oh, I don't know who it is.
John Whittaker: Hello?
Oliver Drevil: Don't mind me!
John Whittaker: Hi Eugene!
Connie Kendall: Oh, hi Veronica!

#668: “The Mystery of the Clock Tower, Part 2”

Oliver Drevil: You can't arrest me, I'm merely conducting a routine check on the system.
John Whittaker: In a ski mask?

#668: “The Mystery of the Clock Tower, Part 2”


Oliver Drevil is voiced by Will Utay, has appeared in 1 episode.