Mrs. Filgengeister

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Information.png Mrs. Filgengeister is one of 2,421 characters who have only appeared in one episode. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Mrs. Filgengeister
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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Appeared in


Mrs. Filgengeister is Mandy Straussberg's neighbor. In Worst Day Ever her dog whom she named Phoophie Pie came up to Mandy and stole her backpack. When Mandy tried to catch her she trampled her rose bushes by accident. Unfortunately when Mandy tried to explain the situation Mrs. Filgengeister told her she would negotiate with her mom about how Mandy would repay her. Afterwards she let Mandy get sprayed by her sprinklers.


Any family she may have is unknown.


Mrs. Filgengeister is voiced by Katie Leigh, has appeared in 1 episode.