Melanie Straussberg

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Information.png Melanie Straussberg is one of 2,421 characters who have only appeared in one episode. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Melanie Straussberg
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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Appeared in


In Live at the 25!, Melanie comes on stage when Connie Kendall suggests what Odyssey would be like 25 years from then. Melanie says that her mother, Mandy Straussberg, has told Melanie all about Whit's End. Tom Riley (who is said to be very old in the episode) gets confused and thinks that Melanie has taken some wild adventure in the Imagination Station, and become both herself and her mother.


Melanie was imagined by Connie in Live at the 25 as Mandy's daughter.


Melanie Straussberg is voiced by Aria Curzon, has appeared in 1 episode.