Manny Kin

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Information.png Manny Kin is one of 806 characters who have appeared in fewer than six episodes. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Manny Kin
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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Mannny Kin was a character in Mandy's play "The Great Wishy Woz", a parody of The Wizard of Oz. Manny Kin is a reference to the scarecrow. And requests a brain from the Great Wishy Woz.




Dotty: Mr. Manny, this is your big chance to get your book.
Manny Kin: Oh yeah.
Leopold: Books? You want books? Ha! We've got books on hairy otters, on onions and on Mars. All the fungus you could care for plus three triple zillion stars. We've got books on flossing teeth, plus three books on tossing sheep. If we spent our lives just counting books, we'd never get to sleep. Hey!

#454: “The Great Wishy Woz, Part 2”

Manny Kin: I don't have a brain in my head. See?
Dotty: Oh my, you don't?
Manny Kin: Nope. Some folks are out of their mind, but my mind is out of me.

#453: “The Great Wishy Woz, Part 1”

Manny Kin: One day? Well that's only 22 hours. I don't know how we're gonna do it!

#453: “The Great Wishy Woz, Part 1”

Manny Kin: I guess I could have figured out a way to get my legs back on myself. But after all, I'm just a dummy!

#453: “The Great Wishy Woz, Part 1”


Manny Kin is voiced by Walker Edmiston, has appeared in 2 episodes.