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Information.png Laura is one of 2,421 characters who have only appeared in one episode. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Voiced by
Episode appearances
Episode mentions
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First episode mention
Last episode mention


Little is known about Laura or her history other then what is mentioned by Kelly and Whit when he revealed details about her. She was abusive as mentioned by Kelly and in fact kicked her out of the house at age ten. After Kelly's father left it is mentioned that she did have several boyfriends. It is possible that she and Kelly were at one point close because her answering machine has a message in which they seem happy together. The last that is heard about her is that she was probably under arrest awaiting a court hearing and that she would probably receive counseling upon receiving custody of Kelly once again.


Laura is Kelly's abusive biological mother. It's unknown if she was ever married to Kelly's father who left when Kelly was 7.


Laura is voiced by Maureen Davis, has appeared in 1 episode.

Laura has been mentioned in 2 episodes.