Kim Peterson

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Information.png Kim Peterson is one of 804 characters who have appeared in fewer than six episodes. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Kim Peterson
Voiced by
Episode appearances
Episode mentions
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First episode
Last episode
First episode mention
Last episode mention


Kim Peterson is a young girl who likes the show The Medical Center of Love. She is a classmate of Sam Johnson. At some point, Kim won the Academic Olympics (#337: “W-O-R-R-Y”).



Sam Johnson: On my homework yesterday, I spelled my name with two L’s! I'm going crazy!
Kim Peterson: Your name doesn't have an L in it.
Sam Johnson: See! That's my point! I'm going crazy!

#337: “W-O-R-R-Y”

Kim Peterson: Are you going to Whit's End?
Erica Clark: Yeah, if I don't get hit by a car on the way.

#225: “Count It All Joy”

Erica Clark: I'm trying to be full of happiness!
Kim Peterson: You sound more like you're full of hot air!

#225: “Count It All Joy”


Kim Peterson is voiced by Laura Assaf, has appeared in 4 episodes.

Kim Peterson has been mentioned in 1 episode.