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Kelly Stables

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Kelly Stables
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Episode Characters Played 2
Episode Appearances 63
Podcast Appearances 4
Documentary Appearances 3



Kelly Stables has played one minor character, Jill Segler, and is now voicing the voice of Olivia Parker replacing Hope Levy.

Work Besides Odyssey

As a child, Kelly lived in St. Louis Missouri. During her teenage summers, Kelly worked at Scoop-de-doo Ice Cream Shop and went to Lafayette High School where she was voted "Most School Spirit" and Prom Queen. Kelly also participated in Jazz-ma-tazz show choir, cheerleading, and theatre. During March of 2000, Kelly decided to move to Los Angeles, where she began her voice acting career. As an adult she currently plays in a T.V show titled "Malibu Dan the Family Man".


Characters Played

Acting (63) · Characters (2) · Podcasts (4) · Documentaries (3)

Click one of the above tabs to see what Kelly Stables has done on Adventures in Odyssey.
Kelly Stables has acted in 63 episodes with an average rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with acting by Kelly Stables }}%
Kelly Stables has voiced 2 characters
Kelly Stables has appeared in 3 documentaries

Pictures of Kelly Stables
