Greg O Neil

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Information.png Greg O Neil is one of 2,421 characters who have only appeared in one episode. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Greg O Neil
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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Appeared in

Greg O Neil was a Hollywood star of a now-canceled sitcom "The Nuthouse". He has since been involved with acting in various media, including commercials and plays, though they were not of any huge significance. He has since stopped acting for two years. Throughout the episode, he was auditioning for a Novacom show but didn't get the part. He is known for his trademark "exterminator" catchphrase.

Greg was Connie's classmate back in high school.


Greg is a carnival weight guesser. He later got connected to an infomercial gig in Los Angeles through Mitch.


His parents were mentioned to have moved to Arizona.


Greg O Neil: If you don't stop changing my stations, I'm gonna call the exterminator!

#471: “Fifteen Minutes”

Old Woman: You're chose kids who've been riding your bikes through my garden!
Greg O Neil: What?
Alex Jefferson: No, we're not!
Greg O Neil: You got the wrong guys!
Old Woman: I oughta smack you two a good one with my walking stick!
Greg O Neil: Wait, we didn't do anything!
Alex Jefferson: <smack> Ouch!
Greg O Neil: <smack> Hey!
Old Woman: Rotten kids!

#471: “Fifteen Minutes”


Greg O Neil is voiced by Shawn Svoboda, has appeared in 1 episode.