Foster Smith-Hammer

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Information.png Foster Smith-Hammer is one of 794 characters who have appeared in fewer than six episodes. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Foster Smith-Hammer
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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When his daughter Kelsey Smith-Hammer brings Eugene and Bernard Walton into his household, Foster welcomes them. He insists on calling Bernard "Bernie". Foster is shown to be a gruff film producer of Smith-Hammer Films, sporting movies like Curse of the Mummy's Daughter. He keeps a Christian maid, Angela, who he insists not to tell his daughters about God.

When Bernard tells Tammi Smith-Hammer about Jesus in a story of "The Great Prince" in the aftermath of a earthquake, Foster kicks him out and fires Angela. Bernard convinces him not to fire Angela, and to let him keep telling the story to Tammi, as it is the only thing that calms her down while Bernard works on helping her remove a piece of glass she got in her foot during the earthquake.

Foster eventually comes around to accept the fact that Tammi accepts Christ, although it is unclear as whether or not he does as well.


Foster has two daughters, Tammi Smith-Hammer and Kelsey Smith-Hammer.

He also keeps a maid named Angela.


Foster Smith-Hammer is voiced by Jerry Dexter, has appeared in 2 episodes, and has received an average user rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with Foster Smith-Hammer}}%.