Finish What You...

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#663: “Finish What You...”
Paired with
Original Release Date
Date Recorded
September 1, 2009
Recorded at
51: Take it From the Top
Cassette No.
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James 1:19

19My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

Songs Included
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Error: Invalid time.
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Finish What You...

“Finish What You...” is episode #663 of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written by Tim Hodge and Paul McCusker, and originally aired on May 1, 2010.


Doors are opening up for Olivia Parker – too many doors, actually! After signing up for guitar lessons with Eugene, she also agrees to star in Connie’s play.


Olivia Parker has a problem of over committing. When she commits to guitar lessons with Eugene and Connie's play about Noah, she finds out that even though these things may be fun, you can't do anything that comes your way.

Later she finds out that her commitment to play her grandma to play her favorite song at her party and the Noah play will be on the same day at the same time. Connie is very disappointed and gives away her part as Mrs. Noah. So she spends all night practicing her guitar. Olivia was very tired after all that practicing but with the help of Eugene, she plays the song for her grandmother.

This plot section is too short and should be expanded. »

Discussion Questions

  1. Why did Connie have to drop Olivia from the play?
  2. Have you ever tried something, only to find out it was harder than it seemed?
  3. How should Olivia keep from getting over-committed in the future?


Heard in episode

Role Voice Actor
Olivia Parker Hope Levy
Eugene Meltsner Will Ryan
Connie Kendall Katie Leigh
John Whittaker Andre Stojka
David Parker Marc Evan Jackson
Eva Parker Amanda Troop
Lucia Ortega Lucki Wheating

Mentioned in episode

Character Mentioned By
Matthew Parker Eva Parker
Red Hollard John Whittaker
Noah Connie Kendall


  • The plot of this episode is similar to that of #199: “The 'No' Factor”, with Olivia in the role of Connie in that episode.
  • This episode has the first mention of Eugene being able to play the guitar as well as the ukulele.
  • Will Ryan played the guitar for the songs in this episode.
  • Chris doesn't say the word "Odyssey" in the wraps of this episode and is cut off.



Olivia Parker: <slowly> You want me to practice for 18 hours?
Eugene Meltsner: Well, not all of it, you may sleep for 8 of those hours.

Connie Kendall: Whit will be playing the voice of God.
John Whittaker: Oh, I am?
Connie Kendall: Great, you're into the role already!

John Whittaker: Why is the ark made out of cinder blocks?
Connie Kendall: They're cubes. That's what Red thought the Bible meant when it said, "cubits".
John Whittaker: Aaah, right.

Olivia Parker: Great! Uh, what do I do?
