Expendable Crewman

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Information.png Expendable Crewman is one of 2,421 characters who have only appeared in one episode. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Expendable Crewman
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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Appeared in


The Expendable Crewman appeared in the Kids' Radio show, “Hidden In My Heart”, as part of a Star Trek parody--in this case, a parody of the infamous "red shirt" characters. These characters were usually unnamed crewmembers (many of whom were wearing red uniforms, hence the term) who would join Kirk and Spock on missions, only to die or be injured by whatever alien or force was to antagonize the Enterprise in that particular episode.


Any family he may have is unknown.


Expendable Crewman is voiced by Steve Bridges, has appeared in 1 episode.