Duncan Banquo

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Information.png Duncan Banquo is one of 2,421 characters who have only appeared in one episode. Not much information may be available about him or her.

Duncan Banquo
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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Appeared in


Duncan Banquo is a theatre critic who is said to have a great deal of influence on local theatrical productions. He once wrote a rather scathing review of one of Edwin Blackgaard's plays, enraging Edwin and resulting in his drafts of the radio play about the founding of Odyssey becoming increasingly extravagant and Shakespearean (and historically inaccurate).

Mr. Banquo's name derives from two characters in Shakespeare's famous tragedy Macbeth—Duncan, king of Scotland, and Banquo, a friend of Macbeth's and a general in Duncan's army.



Duncan Banquo is voiced by Will Ryan, has appeared in 1 episode.