Finding a Way is the 70thAdventures in Odysseymainstream album. It was released on the AIOC on December 15, 2020, on digital download in February 2021, and on CD on March 9, 2021.
Its episodes began airing on the radio starting on March 6, 2021 and finished on April 10, 2021.
In Adventures in Odyssey volume 70, the Perkins family experiences high drama, everyone's a suspect when Connie's car goes missing, and Emily finds herself in detention ... with Morrie and Suzu! Finding a Way features all of that and more, including the first episodes with actors recorded in their home studios.
The release order in which the episodes release in the Adventures in Odyssey Club differs slightly from the album episode order. #908: “The Christmas Bells” (by chronology the fifth episode in the album) was released second.
This is the final album to feature the logo on the back cover. All following albums use a new logo for
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Wyatt starts taking silly risks, like eating hot chips, leaping from sheds, and venturing into the lair of a ravenous beast. Is Jay putting him up to it … or is it tied to something that happened to his sister?
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After a caller says that her on-radio advice is unrealistic, Connie puts Wooton's scheduled show on hold to convince her audience that she can, in fact, relate to her listeners.
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Jason and Wilson tell Zoe the story of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the author of a famous Christmas carol. It’s a story filled with joy, tragedy, and ultimately truth about God’s role in difficult circumstances.
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Emily Jones is pulled into another case when she gets in trouble for having a cell phone in class that she insists is not her own. Upon reaching detention, she finds that Morrie and Suzu Rydell have also been falsely accused.