Andre Stojka

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Andre Stojka
Voice of John Avery Whittaker, 2009-Present
Episode Characters Played 28
Episode Appearances 212
Podcast Appearances 14
Documentary Appearances 1


Andre started his vocal debut as "Whit" in September 2009. You might recognize him as the voice of "Owl" in The Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh, a role he inherited from Hal Smith—the very first Whit. Andre has also voiced supporting roles in a number of popular movies and TV shows, including The Jetsons, Darkwing Duck, Gummi Bears, The Emperor's New Groove and Scooby-Doo. What does he think about working with Adventures in Odyssey? "It's nice to be using the gift for Him who gave you the gift."

When recording an episode, he prefers to stand rather than sit.

Pictures of Andre Stojka


Characters Played

Acting (212) · Characters (28) · Podcasts (14) · Documentaries (1)

Click one of the above tabs to see what Andre Stojka has done on Adventures in Odyssey.
Andre Stojka has acted in 212 episodes with an average rating of {{#w4grb_cat_rating:Episodes with acting by Andre Stojka }}%
Andre Stojka has appeared in 1 documentary
