User talk:OdysseyFan/Wanted

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I am looking for help!

I'm trying to use the DPL to also grab an image and output the image to the results... I have seen this elsewhere something about a surrogate template..

<code>{{#dpl: |category = Products not in the OdysseyFan Museum |secseparators=<br><li> |columns=1 |ordermethod=sortkey |include={Infobox Products}:image }} </code>


OdysseyFan (talk) 19:41, 2 August 2020 (MDT)

ok well I figured out how to display all the images from the pages with the template in the category I tagged of items I don't own... so now If I could just add the like to the page below each item... prob able a sec seperator anda a %page% var maybe? OdysseyFan (talk) 20:27, 2 August 2020 (MDT)